I Have To Sell My Crack Now

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Rachel's POV

"SHE KNOWS BROADWAY!" Gay Boy screams.

"Oh my..." The Head Bitch says.

"What?" I say.

"Your voice." I think the teacher says.

"Oh you like it." I say.

"It's amazing!" Frankenteen says.

"So. I've done way better than a stupid Barbra Streisand Funny Girl song."

"Your in! We have are new lead guys." The teacher with the hair I imagine cartoons popping out of.

"Oh so you want me now. It's a little too late for that." I say as a walk out.

"Where are you going?" Frankenteen asks.

"Home. Which I don't know where."


"Told you my parents aren't around much. Didn't really cross their mind to find me a place to live. I'll just have to sell some of my crack. Dammit!" 

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