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Rachel's POV
Finn has been coming over to my house a lot lately and we have started to get along. I really like him. He's not just a Frankenteen. I know he has feelings for me. I have feelings for him too. I know what you're thinking. Aren't you a badass. You don't date anyone probably. I don't, you're right. But Finn has hit my soft spot that only one other person has hit. My father. Last I saw of him was 8 years ago. My parents got a divorce (my mom had an affair with one of her co-stars.) my father took off after that, never saw him again. But anyway I'm going to ask Finn out.
Finn's POV
Rachel is a really sweet girl. We have hung out a lot lately. I really like her, a lot. I'm going to ask her out. But I'm scared what if she says no. I don't know, but I'm willing to take that risk.

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