You're Cute, But Wait...

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Finn and I have been dating for about 5 months now and I couldn't be happier. Mom and I made up and bonded. She moved down her last week, but I finally took up on Finn's offer and I'm living with him. Quinn and I made up and were insuperable now.

"Rachel!" Quinn yelled.

"What? Sorry. What?" I asked

"Finn's been looking for you all day."

"Where is he?''

"Football field."


I walked towards the football field looking around. Looking at how far I've come. I haven't even been here for a year and I've changed. Sometimes I imagine Jessica is still around, but I know she isn't.

"Hey Rach!" Finn shouts.

"Hey what's up?"

"I was wondering if uh-''

"If I wanted to go out tonight. We've been going out for 5 months I don't get why you still get all nervous. Though it is kind of cute.''

"That's not what I was going to ask."

"Oh what was it.''

"Um I don't think I wanna see you anymore."

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