The dark gets a little light

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Soooo sorry! I went MIA ahahah! school caught me up, and not nuch feedback:( ahh well ill still do this . it's fun! okay major editing needed but read on!:))


Chapter Three

The rain belted until I had almost reached home, by the time Cedric had pulled into my estate the smell of fresh rain had been all around us in the car.

It was almost a perfect moment, except I had a complete suicidal stranger in my car, less than a metre away from me.

I sighed as the lights on the house signified my home.

Ahh home, beautiful home,  and my bedroom ohgoodness I couldnt wait to curl up in my silk PJ's and snuggle into my bed. This day had exceeded 24 hours and I was feeling it.

The mystery guy had been tight lipped all the way here. And even as we pulled into my estate he was lost. Lost in a dream state.

After I had gotten halfway down my sandstone path I looked back a rigidly tall guy was following at a safe distance behind me.

Well this is about to get awkward on score breaking levels.

I walked inside my house with practiced experience, and flicked the lights on. I was met by my usual half lobby sort of place. it was where all my rooms began aswell as my staircase. I really would never fail to appreciate white marble with gold pallet highlights, so beautiful under downlights.

I remembered the stranger behind me. Wait wtf was I thinking, what if he's a serial killer or arsonist?! I shouldve just palmed him off to the cops, if he tries to kill me im so gonna be dead.

"soooo...." I said stretching out the o's to fill time.

His glazed eyes did not leave thee straight line he was looking at.

Under good lighting I actually got the chance to give him a proper once over.

Tall was definitely something I noticed, it came from long legs and torso. His what should be brown was a few shades darker and stuck haphazardly over is face due to the rain.

it would probably be floating around his face if I'd let him jump.

His eyes, although distant, actually shone a dark brown almost black. No he wasnt the blue eyes and blonde hair cliché. And I liked that, it made me appreciate normality more than one would expect.

Leather jacket, dark levis, wet t-shirt that was, helpfully transparent, locking and nudging into that six pack.

yum. wait whut...ew no head out of the gutter Lauren.

I looked back up into his dark eyes and saw that he had focused on me. Actually making complete eye contact. And so conveniently noticed me checking him out. ohhh cheesus, he's definitely gonna burn the house now, I just know it.

I swiftly turned not wanting to give away anymore. I did the curtious thing of motioning him to follow, he probably wouldve stayed there.

I took a deep breath, "so...I know that you're probably extremely confused right now, but im gonna have you here for the night and we can get checked up tomorrow. Its just that we're both not critically hurt and also tired, so catching some Z's might be a good idea?"

He looked at me and blinked once, a slow intentional blink that I assumed meant yes.

I walked up the stairs and he followed, eyes cast down. "here's the guest bedroom, you can stay here, and theres a en suite in there too, ive got spare PJ's that I can bring later. Just leave the wet clothes in the bathroom and they'll be put in the dryer".

he said nothing but just walked into the room, he looked around once then headed straight into the bathroom and shut the door, a little hard. oh yes your welcome, no dont be silly you dont have to thank me you ungrateful ass.

After throwing some clothes onto his bed I almost ran into my room and did the same. shower, silk pj's and then literally dived into the huge bed which I love so much.

tonight there was no room in me head for anything else.  Just sleep. dreams came quick and vivd.

waves under the bridge, and a falling figure....slowly going deeper and deeper then hitting the floor of the wharf...


Thanks for reaaadinnggg♥♥

the story will get faster ofc! but let's just set the scene and stuff first eheh,

hope you likeyeddd


pizza peace


Love, Faith & HimHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin