Caught watching a Prawno

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HIII my beatiful readers! Heres anotherrr and i took some great feedback and tried to improve grammar and length etc. BUT with every lazy person there is some spelling and unproof-read work, heeh. ill do all that later! PLEASE ENJOY AND FEEDBACKK


Chapter Six

''Pharmacy first. While we wait we can do some shopping'', I said to Levi while walking toward the entrance of the mall. I lived in a wealthy town so the mall wasnt any old thing. Very modern, and pretty much catered for teens, although the bottom level was for the rest of the age groups.

Levi nodded and glanced around, a little bewilderment on his face as he looked along the length of the 4 story mall. Noting this behavior down I had a little evidence that he hadn't actually been here before, so i took lead.

"It'll be a half-an hour wait on the painkillers, we'll see you around 1pm", the prim pharmacy lady told me, I smiled back.

So, Im as confused as you are about bringing Levi Hotpants here too. I should have left him on his way and moved on with life. But i dont know how to explain this, I liked his presence. He didnt treat me like porcelain, like me being with people who arent as rich as me, was a chore. He made me feel a little more normal, like i wasnt some detatched part of this world. I wasnt being secluded.

I walked out the pharmacy shop and we were both greeted with a thronging current of people. So todays a Saturday, and its exactly 2 days before school. We couldnt have picked a busier weekend.

"Hey, uhh...Lauren?" Levi looked at me apprehensively, ohhh i loved the way my name rolled of his tongue, he can just replace all his words with my name if he wants.

I looked over at him before stepping into the bustling current and went with it. Mr tall over here stalked up to me and I motioned for him to continue. 

"I was wondering..if.. we could grab lunch first?" as if on cue his stomach grumbled, i bit back a smirk and a small child next to me giggled. It wasnt just a little grumble, I had suspicions about a pet whale in his stomach.

"Oh I dont know, I'm not too hungry, maybe in a few hours?" I grinned at him, i must have been convincing because he looked at me in disbelief.

"Lauren, Im hungry, I will go and get lunch with or without you" he said with some intimidation laced with his undertone. FINALLY, some determination in this sloth. Wheres all his fire, if hes gonna wear leather jackets he's gonna need badass fire.

"Oh chill out Levi, look where I- Your Hero- has lead you to" I motioned to him, we were standing in the middle of the food court, and did it smell divine. I was hungry..yet again.

His eyes lit up and he looked around like a puppy with a new chew toy. So while deciding what I was gonna eat, I saw 90% of the female food court population eyeing Levi up. WOAH WOah woah, no no ladies, there shall be no number trading today.

I grabbed Levi's leather clad arm and dragged his long legs along with me. Doing this made two things happen: 1. the eyeballing females all turned away dissapointed, but not without daggering me. I gave them my most vicious stare back. 2. as soon as we both came into contact with eachother, I felt tingles start from where my arm touched his, and go all over my body, leaving a trail of goosebumps. 

uhhh woah, thats new. I hand shaked fifty people a day on busy weeks, no tingles. I've bumped shoulders with male models and world class soccer player, no tingles. I looked up at Levi and I knew by his expression he felt it too, oh dayum. We broke both eye contact and physical contact. I felt like some of myself was still on his arm. Weird... I thought.

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