Mr MystSerious

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another chapter yes I known I'm fab lols. yeah so read on, and fall in love.  maybe idk. Valentines day tomorrow. yay not. im a single pringle and this book is my only love. AND YOU GUYS you can love me too and this book ayeee;)♥ yeee read and notice all my errors bc im gonna fix them soon ehehhe♥


Chapter four

Sun rays filtered through my lace curtains, and highlighted some dust notes in the air. I blinked away my sleep while yawning, and attempted to get up.

OUCH omg what the heck?

My ribs and shoulders were on fire and filled with pain. I was not going to be rolling out of bed any time soon.  So I wriggled back into my comforter and king bed mattress, while waiting for the pain to eb away.

I swiveled my head and saw my phone. I grabbed it. hmm 7am.. not bad for no alarm. I scrolled down my contacts and dialed my home phone.

"miss Lauren? whats wrong?" said my long time faithful maid through the phone. Infact not a maid but maybe a second mother to be more exact.

"Hi...Theresia..hahaha funny story actually.."

Not a few moments later our family's hired doctor was at our house with a grim look on his face.

"Look, Lauren, its nothing serious at all but I do recommend you see the hospital. it seems as theres no internal bleeding but I dont want to risk it. as soon as you're able to go, see the hospital please."

I nodded my head, ahh the wise words of the family doctor, always not wanting to "risk" my health. being the heir to the family company should just be taling over, but until I actually did I was treated like porcelain.  Breakable. Vulnerable. Important.

"oh Theresia please show Dr Matts to the guest and get him checked aswell".

"im fine."

I looked over to the voice. And there standing in all his mysterious glory was the boy I saved. Same tight black jeans, lkng legs, a shirt that was no longer see through darn it,  and his beautiful muscles sticking out around his body. not to mention soft fluffy midnight hair. instead of looking at me like his hero savior, he gave me a once over after he planted his statement in the room. and then stiffly walked out.

Pffft, fine my ass. throwing you on the road after pulling you up must've hurt like a betch heheh.

~a few unproductive hours later~

I'd gotten out of bed, and well, thats about it. Still in my in pjs and not reallly wanting to change out of them. Mr IDontKnowHisNameYet has been a no show all afternoon, holed up in his room. And my laziness levels were starting to decrease.

my cold feet slapped against the marble floor as I crossed from my modern, stainless steel kitchen (which I so adored, it was my coffee haven) and through to my study.

Or should I say large office.

being the Heir to my families' global company had perks. such as my fabulous study. I was a nerd at heart i guess.

pushing open the mahogany door and you're welcomed with the smell of fresh pines. oh I love pines, the big pine next to my ceiling to floor window; did a good job of contrasting the rebellious tree to the primed garden.

lining my walls were built in book shelves.And a cool rolly-ladder that gave access to the higher books. A matching mahogany table, almost spacing out the width of the room stood at the top-centre.

I plodded towards it and plopped in my chair. I took one look at my paper-work for my business schedule,  and then one look at my chemistry homework, and proceeded to yawn. There is no way im gonna do both. Actually better yet, I wont do any. hehehe.

A sharp few knocks came at my door, 'come in!' I projected my voice across the room.

'miss, your guest has demanded he leave the house.' Theresia whispered back.

"ohhhhh shi---schnitzels.  ohh schnitzels" hey im not one for swearing dont judge.

"shall I ask him to wait?" she replied

"yes, ill be there in a few" I sighed back, im very close to throwing this ungreatful little schnitzel back over the bridge.


Hollaaaaaaa me friendies

SOOO, I don't know about this chapter its so weird and choppy. I cant wait till I get Lauren and Mystery boy into school together. ...


but yeah funs gonna begin soon. im getting progress with reading and stuff, so I love seeing the votes and and reads! give meh mores♥

im actually writing another one right now so should be up tomoz ehehe ily guys, stay with mee★★★

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