You have sick friends

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Sick as fuck. Can't make today, great first impression eh? You can cope with him yeah? xx

Megan's text ran through my mind as I got on the bus and saw Luke sitting in the usual place. What was he going to say? I can imagine him shouting at me and having a huge rant about how Zayn is no good for me. I'd even prepared myself for it. 

"Alright?" I greeted him as I walked up and sat next to him. His eyes seemed dark, they were usually a light blue, they seemed more of a navy colour as I looked over to him. 

He sat and and tried not to look at me as he ignored my presence. Acting like a little boy, class. "Silent treatment, eh?" I got my phone out and went on twitter. I hadn't been on it for a while because some of Zayn's fans were sharing the same view as the child next to me, and some of what they said hit hard, I also turned off notifications for twitter so I didn't realize just how much people were tweeting me.

I decided I would try to reply to a few tweets since I had nothing better to do, my best friend was ignoring me after all. 

"@Carlyssean Is Zayn okay? He hasn't tweeted in a while x" True. He doesn't like twitter that much, I can understand why too. I reply and tell her he's fine, and within less than two minutes I have a tonne more tweets addressed to me. This could be fun. 

"Hi x @Carlyssean , How are you? Will you make my day and follow me pls? 4" I cringe as I remember when I used to tweet things like that to all the boys on my twitter fan account. I follow the girl anyway.

"@Carlyssean did you used to dance with Lee Coven? I watched you two perform once!" I remember the times I have with Lee, none of them particularly good, but I enjoyed dancing with him. I tweet the girl back and follow her.

"Can you tell Zayn we love him pls? @Carlyssean .13" That's sweet, I love how caring the one direction fandom is, looking out for each other as well as their idols. I tweet her a thank you, and follow her before texting Zayn and keeping my promise. I think it'll brighten his day anyway. 

Before I know it, we've arrived at Mr. Morgan's house and Luke was practically pushing me off the bus, still not a word said. 

"Alright, alright!" I say as he treads on my heels walking up to the front door. I ring the door and almost immediately get an answer from a stressed looking teacher.

"Hey, Mr Morgan.." I say taking in his appearance, same usual hair with a good amount of gel, normal grey suit and infamous black tie. 

"Call me Richard, I don't teach you anymore." He flashes a smile as he tightens his tie, "Right so, the kids will back in about an hour, their Nan will drop them off. The dog needs a walk sometime today and needs feeding at the same time as the children. The timetable for everything is up on the fridge and i'll be back at about seven as I have a lecture to do after school too." He picks up his briefcase and brushes past us. 

"Oh where's Miss Megan?" He called her that as she always thought if she called him Mr, it was only fair. 

"She's sick today." I inform him as he unlocks his car.

"Fair enough, wish her well and see you at seven." He gets into his car and drives off before we even enter the house. 

"Right." I turn to Luke as soon as the door is shut, "You have not choice mate, I don't care if you hate me right now. We have the whole day together and you can't stay silent the whole time." I walk into the kitchen to check out the timetable. 

"I don't hate you." He exaggerates the word 'hate' and I know he means he just dislikes me. 

I gasp as the words leave his mouth, "It speaks!" I remark sarcastically, gaining a small laugh from him. 

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