Couldn't have been a worse time.

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It had been a whole week since I'd talked to Carly.

A whole week of moaning to the rest of the band, staying in with Netflix and buying a pot of ice cream per night. I'm not gonna lie, it felt good.

Knowing I'd caught her in the act, knowing she didn't get away with what she thought she could. At the same time however, I wish I never knew.

I wish I could have just carried on and been obliviously happy with her, then I wouldn't feel so lonely right now. All the other boys have been telling me I was too hard on her.

How I should have given her a chance to explain. Niall and Harry are dead set on the idea that she's innocent and I feel really sorry for them. I can't wait until they open their eyes and see her for who she really is. I know Niall's been keeping in touch with her as I saw her name in his top contacts once.

It doesn't bother me, really. She's not mine anymore, she messed up and I left her. She deserved it, I just wish she didn't.

We've started preparing for the new album launch and tour which starts in about four months. The album will be released on the opening night of the tour, we wanted it to be a little more secretive this time. All the fans will have ten minutes to check it out before we perform every song on there. The first date is Wembley stadium, I can feel it's going to be sick.

We wrote our handwritten notes last night too, I decided to actually write something this time. I told all the fans how much they mean to me, how much of my heart they take up and always will. I thanked them for getting us to where we are today and assured them that life gets better. Even though I'm not sure it does. 

I also got nominated for the ice bucket challenge, the trend on twitter told me our fans chose to nominate me as nobody else had. I didn't want to do it, I didn't want them to see me like this, they would know I wasn't happy and I didn't want to worry them. I donated £500 instead and promised I would do it as soon as I can. I'm honestly hoping I can avoid it forever.

I hope I'm happy by the time the tour comes around, I don't want to let them down. I kind of know I will be, they have this power just to make any of us feel on top of the world even if we're crumbling inside.

Liam told me we're going to start rehearsing a few songs today so I decided to make an effort with my clothes and actually get up early. I got a cab to the rehearsal studio and saw Louis and Niall already there.

"Where's the other two?" I asked them as I dropped my bag on the floor and sat down.

"Harry's running late and Liam's just checking everything's in order." Niall smiled at me for like the millionth time this week.

"Why do you keep smiling at me?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I just feel bad you know, couldn't have been a worse time to get your heart broken." He shrugged.

"Well, it could be in the middle of touring." I pointed out, "And need I remind you, I broke it off with her, she cheated on me." 

"Yeah but It's still gotta hurt." Louis butted in.

"It does." I sighed, "Just leave it yeah? Everything back to normal."

They both nodded and Liam joined us on the floor.

"Everything's set! We just need one more member and we can going." We all laughed, Harry being late had been a running joke since the Brits.

"Zayn?" Niall spoke up.

"Niall?" I rose my eyebrows, knowing he was about to ask a risky question.

"How come none of us really met Carly? I mean, I only spoke to her on the first day once, and Liam only spoke to her once." I looked up at him in disbelief.

"Did you not hear me when I said drop it?" I almost shouted. I'm done with my relationship being the topic for conversation.

"Dude, calm down." Harry laughed as he entered the room and greeted all of us.

Rehearsals began twenty minutes later, consisting of Niall messing around, Louis forgetting his lines, me forgetting my positions and Harry and Liam dancing together.

"Why bother rehearsing? We're perfect anyway." I said sarcastically as we stopped for a break.

"Haha, you wish mate." Louis messed up my hair and I pulled a face, he was being weird today. No change I guess.

"Who want's to go out?" Harry suggested.


"Eh, beach sound okay?" We all nodded and made our way to the doors.

We got to the beach after a pit stop at KFC and decided to keep low profile's and go to the emptiest part. As we were walking along I had to do a double take. Carly?

Yeah, that was her alright. Smiling and talking to another boy already. 

Well that's a bit slutty.

I shook it off and jogged to catch up with the lads.

"Just saw her." I mumbled to Liam.

"Oh." He winced, "Sorry mate, did she look okay?"

"She was happy." I shrugged, "Talking to a boy."

"Don't read in to it, they might not be any more than friends." He tried to make her seem less, slutty.

"Nah, I'm cool. I'm over her anyway." I put my arm around his neck and the other around Niall's, "Lets go to the beach!"

A/N: Hey, this is shorter than last chapter but I wanted to show you everything in Zayn's POV too :)

I have questions though... Please answer them ♥

1. Do you want Zarly to get back together??

2. Would you rather have this book end and end for good with maybe ten more chapters or would you like to have a sequel? The sequel WOULD include the tour, this book wouldn't.

Okay yeah. Please answer them!! :)

Thank's for reading by the way, If you're one of those who read every chapter! Ily and thankyou ♥♥♥

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