We have problems?

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"Okay." Zayn said out of the blue. He looked up from his notebook, putting down his pen and taking his glasses off. 

"Okay what?" I said after about thirty seconds of just waiting for him to talk.

"Okay." He sighed and put his glasses back on before looking back to his notes. I laughed as he remined me of my Granddad reading his newspaper. "We can go to Brighton?" He suggested.

We'd been sat in the car for about forty minutes, deciding where to go next and he'd listed everywhere we could get to in three hours.

"Okay, you can visit your cousin." I smiled remembering all the times he'd told me how little he's seen his cousins since he became part of a band. His eyes lit up at my comment, making my heart flutter.

"Did I ever tell you that I kissed my cousin's girlfriend once?"

"What a surprise." I remarked sarcastically, "Let's not do it again." 

"I won't," He put his hand on my knee, "I hope he doesn't kiss you."

"Yeah." I laughed at how he thought everyone could just kiss another person's girlfriend, especially their cousin's.

He had started driving and I kept my eyes on his face.

"Staring at something in particular?" He said without his eyes leaving the road.



"I'm glad I found a you."

"A me?" He laughed.

"Yeah, you." I kissed his cheek before a red light turned green.

"I'm very glad I found a you." He grinned intwining our fingers.


We arrived at Brighton earlier than expected and decided to go to the harbour first. (I have no idea what there is at Brighton so let's pretend.) We rented two crabbing lines and he paid for some buckets, bait and chairs. I went over to the car, to grab food and drink, while he set up a spot on the jetty for us. We were going crabbing. I was fucking terrified of crabs.

"Okay?" He asked as soon as I piled the food onto the spair fold up chair.



"Bit scared." I admitted. He handed me a line with the bait already on it.

"I'll pick up anything you catch, you just pull it up when you're ready." I nodded and flung my line into the sea, creating a pretty ripple around it.

Zayn threw his in and made a big splash. Oh. 

"So we just sit?" He spoke into the silence.

"And eat I guess." I shrugged, handing him some pringles.

"Let's talk about our problems." I almost choked at the sudden request.

"We have problems?" I squeaked.

"Well no, I mean personal problems you know? Get to know each other even better." 


"I'll start if you want?"


"Okay so you're probably the first person i've ever told this to.." He reeled his line in to check for crabs and then swung it back in when it was empty, "I used to have a girlfriend, when I was about sixteen and she was the average high school girlfriend. I didn't love her, thought I did."

Talk dirty [Zayn Malik]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz