Chapter 1: New roommate

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John was just starting his sophmore year in highschool when he heard about him getting a new roommate. His last roomate had already graduated.

John had already finished unpacking his stuff and was watching tv when he heard a knock at the door. "U-uh. Hello? Is this room 1776?" Said a voice on the other side of the door.

John got off his bed and opened the door. Standing in the hallway was a shortish, brown haired and eyed boy. He looked to be nothing over twenty. "Yes. Are you the new roommate?" John asked. "Y-yeah." The boy held out his hand and straightened his posture a little. "My name is Alexander Hamilton." Alexander smiled. John shook his hand. "John Laurens." He said.

John noticed that all Alexander had was a backpack. "Is the rest of your stuff downstairs?" John said. "O-oh. No. This is all I brought." Alexander said, as he fiddled with his thumbs a little. John nodded and let Alexander inside. "Here. Let be show you around." John closed the door.

He pointed at a snack bar looking area with a stove/oven, refrigerator, and a few cooking supplies inside. "This is the kitchen." He pointed across from the kitchen to where a couch, a tv, and a coffee table sat. "This is the living room." John walked down a hallway to a room and opened the door. "This is our room." John said. The room had a bed on each side, with a window between the beds. One side was decorated already, and the other side was empty. "The other roommates went out on a date today, but I think they'll be here soon. Their room is just down the hall. The door in the very back is the bathroom. I'm going to go and make some dinner. You can unpack your stuff and look around if you want." John smiled and walked to the kitchen, leaving Alexander to look around.

Alexander walked into the room and sat on the empty bed. He opened his backpack and pulled out an old computer. Then he started typing.

About after five minutes of typing, he heard a few people speaking from the living room. Alexander closed his computer and walked into the living room to see who was there. Standing there was two other boys, who looked around John's age.

One of the boys turned around and saw Alexander. He tapped the slightly taller boy's shoulder who also turned around, soon followed by John. "Oh hey Alexander! These are the other roommates I was talking about." John said with a smile.

One of the boys stepped forward and held his hand out. "Bonjour mon ami. Je m'appelle Lafayette." Lafayette said in a thick French accent. He smiled.

Alexander shook his hand. "Bonjour. Je m'appelle Alexander Hamilton." Lafayette went wide eyed. "Mon ami, you speak français?!" Lafayette said excitedly. "Oui." Alexander said. "Its actually my first language." He said. "Where do you come from?" Lafayette asked. Alexander suddenly had a slightly sad face. John saw and changed the subject by pushing the other boy over to Alexander. "Alexander this is H-" John was just about to say, but was interrupted. "HERCULES MULIGGAN!" Hercules shouted. Alexander smiled and Lafayette snickered a bit.

"Hey how about we watch a movie or something?" John suggested. The other three nodded and they all went and sat on the couch.

Within half of the movie completed, Alexander was already asleep. His head fell onto John's shoulder. John smiled, red faced. Lafayette and Hercules 'awwed' quietly. John's face turned redder. He looked down at Alexander examined his face.

When the movie was over Lafayette and Hercules went back to their room, leaving John and Alexander on the couch. John didn't want to risk waking up Alexander, so he just laid down with Alexander. Alexander snuggled up close to John's chest while John grabbed the blanket off the top of the couch and placed it over them both. He ran his fingers through Alexander's ponytail and soon fell asleep. Soft snores came from the two as they slept peacefully the rest of the night.

691 words

Hope you enjoyed! This is technically the first lams fanficton I've wrote cause I didn't get far with the other one and I restarted the book so yeah :3

~Our Shot~ Hamilton High Schoolजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें