Chapter 2: Coffee Shop Trouble

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Alexander's eyes fluttered opened. His eyes made their way over to the window. Sunlight beamed through the curtains and lit up the room. His eyes kept wandering around till he saw John's face.

A light tint of red appeared on Alexander's face as he thought, "I could either wake him up, or stay here." He desided to stay. Alexander rested his head back on John's chest and tried to go back to sleep.

A few moments later, John woke up. He looked down at Alexander, who was attempting to fall asleep, and grinned. "I know you're awake." John said. Alexander rose his head up. "I was hoping you didn't notice." He said, playfully with a sad face. John stuck his tounge out playfully then sat up. "Lets make breakfast before Herc and Laf get up." John said. Alexander nodded his head in agreement, then they made their way to the kitchen.

"What do you want to make?" Alexander asked. "Hmm. I don't know. How aboouut.." John picked up a cookbook and opened it to a random page. "Crépe?" John asked. Alexander shrugged. "Ok." He said. John walked over to some cabinets and got all the ingredients, then sat them on the counter.

Alexander grabbed some bowls along with some other cooking supplies. He put some ingredients into a bowl and mixed it up to make the batter. John got some fruits and started to cut them up and set them on some plates. When he finished, he sat in a bar stool and watched Alexander cook.

Alexander followed the recipe step by step till he started cooking. When the crépes were finished, he placed one on each plate. "I'll go get them." John said.  Alexander nodded and sat the plates at the bar table.

John got up from the stool and walked to Hercules' and Lafayette's room. He opened the door and said, "Breakfast is ready!" Lafayette moaned in response. John stood there blank faced. "It's crépe!" He said. Lafayette's eyes shot open. He jumped out of bed and raced past John, knocking him to the floor. "Ow." John said, as he rubbed the back of his head. Hercules walked over to John and held his hand out to help John. John took Hercules' hand and stood himself up. "Thanks." John said. "No problem. Hercules said as he walked to the kitchen. When John got to the kitchen, everyone was already in a bar stool.

John sat beside Alexander and everyone started eating. Lafayette finished first and got up. He rinsed is plate off and sat his plate in the sink. Then he walked over to Alexander and hugged him from behind. Alexander tensed up from sudden contact but slowly relaxed. "Mon ami that was a wonderful dish!" Lafayette said. Alexander smiled.

"Hey! How do you know that I didn't make it?" John said. "Because every time you cook, you almost burn the apartment down." Lafayette said, earning a snicker from Alexander and Hercules. "My cooking isn't that bad." John said, crossing his arms and pouting his lip.

"Anyways. What should we do today? School doesn't start for another few days, so we should go out or something." John said.
"How about that new coffee place down the street?" Hercules suggested. Everyone nodded and went off to get ready.


Everyone was ready now, exept Alexander. "Uh you ready yet?" John said through the door to their room. "Yep!" Alexander said. The door opened and out came a marshmallow Alexander. John snickered. "What's so funny?" Alexander asked. "How many layers of clothing did you put on?" John asked. "Three shirts. Four jackets. One coat. Two scarfs. Three pairs of gloves. One pair of pants. And four pairs of socks." Alexander said. John facepalmed laughing.

"W-why are you wearing so many l-layers?" He asked inbetween laughs. "It's freezing outside!" Alexander said. "I'm not risking getting sick!" "Ok then. Try to move your arms." John said. Alexander wiggled his arms, which barely moved. "Yep you need to go change." John said. "Fiinnneee." Alexander said. He waddled back inside the room, but tripped and faceplanted halfway through the door. John laughed and walked into the room to help Alexander.


"You couldn't have just let me wear one more jacket!?" Alexander said, as he walked side by side with John. "I already let you wear two. That's enough." John said. Alexander crossed his arms and walked to the coffee shop with the three other boys. He opened the door and cold air hit their faces, sending a chill down Alexander's spine. They ordered, got their coffee, then sat in a booth by a window. John was by Alexander and Lafayette was by Hercules.

Everything was going great until.."Well! If it isn't the bastard orphan!" A voice beside them said. Alexander clutched his coffee, as John looked over and saw Thomas Jefferson. "Leave me alone Thomas." Alexander spat. "What are you gonna do if I don-" "He said to leave him alone!" John shouted.

All eyes in the coffee shop faced them. Thomas looked around slightly nervous. "Meet me out back of the school tomorrow." He muttered. "What are gonna do if I don't." John mimicked. Thomas shot him a glare and walked off. Everyone went back to what they were doing.

"T-Thanks." Alexander said, looking downward. "No problem. Anything for you." John said. Alexander smiled and blushed slightly. "But I have a question." John said. "Yeah?" Alexander asked. "What did he mean about being a 'bastard orphan'?"

916 words

Mwah hah hahhhh! Cliffhanger!!! I hope you enjoyed! I don't curse, so if there is ever cursing in this book just remember that I'm just doing that for the characters. :3

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