Not My Home Anymore

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Three days later I stood infront of two head stones, I wanted to cry but my tears were gone there was none left to cry. Tillie stood beside me and being very comforting but even though I was grieving my family in the back of mind I was trying to come up with a plan to get out of my arranged marriage.

The carriage ride back to Tillie's home was long and quiet, I looked around at the burnt cotton fields and plantation homes. This wasn't my home anymore everything I knew was gone and it would never be the same again, I knew that I was leaving this place but I didn't know where I wanted to go. All of my things was in the fire and I needed new clothes but that wouldn't be a problem to get the money from father he always told me to go to the bank and get what I needed.

We arrived back to the plantation where guest was coming in and out of Tillie's home but I didn't want to be around people giving me sympathetic looks and condolences, it's not like they could bring my mother back. Rushing up to my room I laid down in the bed curling up in a ball wishing I could disappear.

The next day I was shaken awake I shot up and was met with Tillie who looked frantic.

" Tillie what's wrong?" I said rubbing the sleep from my eyes

" The war is over!" She shouted, I was trying to process what she said at that point I didn't even care who had won all I knew was that it was over.

" What?" I said sitting up in shock

" The war is over its all over!"

" How, when?" I said confused

" Two days ago General Lee surrendered to Ulysses in Virginia."

" Where's father?" I said knowing he was probably angry and possibly drinking.

"In the office." She stated lowering her tone solemnly, getting out of bed I fixed my hair and walked down stairs to the office. After knocking on the door my father allowed me to enter, he sat with his feet propted up on the desk looking at his glass of whiskey. I stood there silently waiting for him to speak knowing almost anything I said could make him angry.

" It's been four years, I've spent more money than anyone trying to help us win just to find out four days after I've lost everything that all the money I put forth in the cause was useless. If I ever see a man in a blue uniform again I'll blow his head off." He stated his voice rising with every word and taking another swig, taking a deep breath I didn't say a word.

" Jane." he said slamming his glass on the desk making me jump " I want you go to town and buy you a wedding gown."

" Yes, Sir." I said dismissing myself from the room and going back up the stairs and changing into another black gown, I wish that I could wear my favorite pink gown but it burnt up in the fire but yet it would be improper to wear any other color right now. After I was dressed and the carriage was upfront  I made my way to busy and bustling Montgomery, people was shout and screaming in anger at the news of the war. I could have cared less anymore who had won the war I was just glad it was over.

The buggy stopped infront of the bank, getting out of the buggy I went in and collected $180 managing to avoid Mr. Skaggs. I collected way more than I needed for a dress but father wouldn't realize how much was missing for a while due to his drunken state. I made a stop at the dress maker to order a dress that would never be worn and then stopped at the general store to get a couple of already made dresses, a suitcase and some other things. After that I went down to the train depo to see where I could possibly escape to, looking down the list of places I could go my finger stopped at Galloway, Texas.

" Sir do you know anything about Galloway, Texas?" I asked the man that sold tickets.

" It is a fairly small town only about a hundred or so people live there and it's mostly cattle country."  That sounded perfect, father would never expect me to go to such a small place.

" How long is the trip?" I said eagerly

" It's about a week or so on the train you'll go to Austin and from there you'll take a stage coach and that'll take about three days." It sounded long and tiring but it was anything to get away from here.

" When is the next train out?"

" Tomorrow at twelve o'clock."

" I'll take a second class ticket." I said handing  him $17 and collecting my ticket, while I usually take first class I needed to save money so I could have enough to buy food and find a place to board. 

When I arrived back to Tillie's I barely spoke a word, father was passed out and Tillie had just finished preparing dinner. Eating without a word in an uncomfortable silence all I could think about was that tomorrow I would be free from all of this, but I was scared of what lay ahead because it was unknown but I guess life was just full of unexpected things. Going up to my room I packed my things including a couple of books and dresses. I looked at the Bible on the dresser debating on whether I should pack it or not, after much debating I stuffed it in the suit case.

That night I paced the floor almost talking myself out of leaving but I knew that I had to do it or I would have an unhappy life. Walking over to my window I breathed in the cool thick crisp April air it was humid as always, the frogs croaked and the crickets chirped. What would Texas nights be like? I thought to myself.

All I could do was wonder about Texas and what it was like, wonder and excitement soon replaced fear. The sun started breaking through the clouds and soon it would be time for me to go. Getting dressed nervously I looked in the mirror at myself and then at the grandfather clock that sat in the corner of the room, it was eight o'clock only four hours till my life changed for good.

" Jane I'm going down to the neighbors today, will you be ok without me?" Tillie said as we washed the breakfast dishes.

" Yes, I should be fine." If she only knew

It was nine thirty when Tillie left riding her horse going the opposite direction of town, I asked the coachman to fetch the buggy while I made sure that I had everything with me. Placing my hat on my head I took one last look at my old life and stepped out the door into the new. 

Arriving at the train depo I took my two bags of things and walked right onto the train without second thought, looking out the window to the bustling streets of Montgomery, Alabama I had no regrets in leaving this place.

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