The River

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We sat on the front porch of the bunkhouse on Sunday afternoon after church and it was hot out. I was trying to cool myself down with my fan but it wasn't working, I looked over at Justin to see sweat was starting to come through his shirt as he sat lazily in the rocking chair on the other side of the porch with his hat over his eyes.

" Justin?" I asked laying my head back and closing my eyes

" Hmm?"

" I'm dying." I exaggerated earning a snigger from him

" I guess we'll die together then."

" I'm serious it's too hot to go in the house and it's too hot to sit out here!" About the time I said that I heard Justin stand up and walk over to me.

" Come on." I opened one eye and saw him standing infront of me offering both his hands do help me up.

" Where are we goin' ?" 

I didn't take his hands " That's for me to know and you to find out." With a huff I took his hands and let him help me up, we walked over to the barn. He put a bridal on Racer and then led him out of the barn getting on him bareback then offering his hand to me again.

" Justin I can't ride a horse in a dress!" I exclaimed putting my hands on my hips, this heat was really having an affect on my mood.

" Sure you can come on." After very little debating with myself I took his hand and jumped up as he lifted me with ease onto the horse. I instantly wrapped my arms around his waist to balance myself so I wouldn't fall off.

" Hang on tight!" Justin kicked Racer into a gallop making me squeal and bury my face in between his shoulder blades breathing in his intoxicating scent, he held the reins with one hand and reached back tapping my leg with the other.

" Don't be a scaredy cat." He tilted his head back but keeping his eyes ahead

" I'm not a scaredy cat!" I mumbled into his back

" Then look ahead."

Cautiously I peeked my head from his back and looked over his shoulder to see the beautiful landscape that lay before us, it was the most amazing thing to see especially with the blue bonnets in full bloom. Justin turned his head sideways with a half smirk only inches from my face making a blush creep up my neck.

" You like it?"

" I love it." I said looking into his eyes

" Then your really gonna love where I'm taking you." he turned his head back around continuing to urge Racer forward. I smiled closing my eyes enjoying the wind against my flustered face, the air was so sweet it smelt like honey. Before I knew it Racer was being slowed into a walk before he completely stopped, I opened my eyes to see beautiful river making me gasp.

" It's a lot cooler down here." Justin said slide off Racer and then reaching up for me, I rested my hands on his shoulders as his fingers snaked their way around my waist. I slid down the length of his body and his fingers seemed to linger around my waist longer than usual, staring into his eyes it seemed like they held so much behind them and all I wanted to do was know every little thing. Racer nickered making us look away laughing a little.

" Come on." Justin nodded his head toward the water, walking to the water he slipped his hand in mine and then stopping at the bank and taking his hat and boots off but I had left my shoes at home. He went into the water first, I barely dipped my big toe in when I jerked back because it was so cold.

" It's a little cold, but you'll warm up to it." Justin chuckled while skimming his hands along the surface of the water.

" A little cold? It's freezing!" I exclaimed, I was being really moody today and Justin seemed to find it amusing.

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