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It was in the afternoon about a week after our incident with Ace who was now sitting in a jail cell in town, when Justin came up onto the porch for a break. He had been working closer to the house for two reasons
1. He was making sure nobody tried to kidnap me again 2. He was having to take breaks because of his cut.

" Jane?" Justin said sitting in the rocking chair beside me and taking a drink of the water.

" Yes." I said fully concentrated on the little stitches I was making on the quilt.

" Will you go on a walk with me?"

" I reckon." I said making one last stitch and setting the quilt to the side and standing up, we started walking towards where we usually walk when I slipped my hand in his. He looked over at me smiling but seeming nervous, I then began to wonder what was on his mind.

" What's on your mind?" I said making him stop and then turning to face him.

" Can we walk a little farther?"

" I guess." I said turning around and picking my dress up, we walked little ways until Justin finally wanted to stop. We sat down in the middle of a bunch of flowers which was beautiful, Justin was quiet for a while just looking out at the scenery.

" Jane, what happened last week has got me thinking and I need to tell you something." He said continuing to look out at the landscape and picking at the grass. I didn't say a word but I just waited for him to tell me what he was going to tell me, my heart started trying to beat out of my chest as the butterflies danced around in the pit of my stomach.

" I'm just gonna come right out and say it, I like you alot." He said looking over at me, a smile broke across my face seeming to make Justin relax.

" I like you too Justin."  I said reaching over and hugging him, he wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissing my cheek. When we broke apart from the hug he put his arm around me and I wrapped my arms around his waist looking out at the setting sun. It was a beautiful place and I was glad Justin had brought me here, I was still processing what just happened though.

" Jane, you really like me right? You didn't just say that because I said it?" Justin said looking down at me

" I meant every word I said." I said leaning up and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He put his hand on my cheek running his thumb along my jawline and smiling down at me.

" You are so beautiful." He said kissing my forehead, I just looked up at him blushing and smiling unable to speak. We sat there looking out at the sunset until it was gone and the stars was out and I loved looking at stars maybe even more so than watching the sunset. Justin's fingers started brushing litely up and down my arm making me shiver at his lite feather like touch.

" Are you cold?" He said completely clueless to the effect his touch was having on me.

" Just a little bit." I said telling the truth and snuggling closer to him and bringing my knees to my chest, Justin then wrapped both of his arms around me making me feel safe. This is the most attention someone has ever given me in my life and I was really enjoying it but all good things have to come to an end and it was time to go home. Me and Justin walked back to the shack hand in hand smiling, I was so glad Justin finally told me how he felt.

We stood infront of the shack in each other's embrace not wanting to let go or say goodnight, we finally knew where each how each other felt and as for me I've never felt this way in my life. I felt safe in his embrace and something told me that Justin was going to do everything in his power to protect me, he definitely showed it the other night when he fought Ace.

" I'll see you in the mornin'." Justin said letting go

" See ya in the morning." I said letting go and instantly feeling cold being out of his embrace, without another word we parted ways. I walked into the shack and looked straight up.

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