Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to my dear pet walrus

(A/N hey its Jocelyne. Jennie said I was going to be writing the story with her so I'm going to be writing or typing or whatever you want to say and write this chapter :P so let go on with the story)

Adam's POV

 I'm so bored right now I've been just sitting here doing nothing just cuddling with my babe gurl Ty. Just eating,sleeping and cuddling. Ugh why wont Ty do anything with me. i mean Jordan just took Jocelyne out to a picnic date. Last time i tried to take Ty out to a picnic...i don't wanna talk about it... 

 I think I'll just take Team Crafted out to dinner somewhere fancy ya... fancy.

 I shake Ty to wake him in my arms. "What is it babe?" He asks tiredly. "I have a idea.We can take Team Crafted to a fancy dinner.Including me and you.What do ya say?" "It sounds like a great idea!" "I'll call them up,you reserve a place." I tell him. I call up Ian,Marissa,Sydney,Jason,Mitch,Jerome. I would call Tyler,but hes trying to find Jennie. Ty walks downstairs wearing a suit and tie. "DAYYUUMMMM BABY GURRRL! YOU LOOKING FINE!" I yell. "Thank you very much." he says,jumping into my arms. "I have to  go get dressed babe." "Fine."

 After i get dressed,Sydney calls me. "Hey.What's up?" "It's Jennie and Tyler......." She says. "What about them?" "THEY ARE BACK!!!!!!" she screams excitedly. "Well,they can come to!" I say happy for her. "BAI!" she says hanging up. We all arrive at the restaurant a few minutes later. It's so romantic here.

 The whole night is filled with laughs and us doing stupid things. "I have a idea." Jennie says. "What?" Sydney questions. "We can go to either Jerome and Mitch's house or Adam and T's house and play truth or dare." "That's a good idea sis!" Mitch says."How about our house?" Jerome says. We drive to their house and sit on the living room floor. "Marissa,Truth or Dare?" I ask. "Truth." "Is it true have eaten dust for food?" "Ew......maybe.Hey,when you spend 9 years under a bed,you get hungry. Ty,Truth or Dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to...kiss the person in this room you think is the cutest besides Adam." He looks around nervously. He looks at Sydney and crawls close to her. "oh gawd." Jennie and Jason say in sync. He quickly turns around and kisses Jennie. Her face flushes pink before she starts fake gagging. "Just kidding dude." "Adam,Truth or Dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to....." Sydney whispers something in his ear and he smirks. "I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with me." "OK.Let's go." 

Tyler's POV

  We wait for the timer to go off,when we hear moaning."Um........" Jerome says." our our closet..." Mitch says. We all laugh. The timer goes off,yet no one comes out. Jennie gets up and walks to the closet door. "Guys.Times up.You can come out now." No reply. Jerome gets up,and opens the door.Jennie and Jerome run back and Jennie buries her head into the crook of my neck. They come out a few seconds later.....wearing each others clothes."Jennie,Truth or Dare?" Adam asks. "Dare." "I dare you to kiss....Tyler AND Mitch." "..........You are a butt hole." She says laughing. "Well,I'll save the best for last." she says while crawling towards Mitch. She gives him a peck on the lips then crawls to me. We kiss like normal,then Adam says."You didn't really kiss Mitch.That was just a peck." She stops kissing me and turns her head toward Adam."UGH!" She crawls toward Mitch and kisses him "Happy?" She says. She sits on my lap. "Sydney,Truth or dare?" "Truth." "Is it true that you had a dream about Ty?" "No.Ew." She says. We keep playing until it's about three A.M. "We should all sleep." "SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK." Adam says,laying on the couch,falling asleep. Ty cuddles with him. We all go to our rooms and Marissa and Ian lay on the couch in the basement.I'm so happy to be back with the people i love.

(A/N That was a fun chapter. This is Jennie.I wrote some of this as did Jocelyne.Hope you liked this chapter! BAI!!)

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