Chapter 19

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Marissa's POV

 Sydney's gone,Jocelyne,Jennie and Jerome are gone. Who's next? We need to save them from Tyler,Jasmine,and Seto's  evil grasp. 

"Hey Marissa, I've got an idea." Rachel says as she walks in the room. 

"What is it?" I ask. 

"I think I know where they are and....It's not very good." right after she says that,my head starts to throb. 

"AGH!" I yell out in pain. My eyes roll back and i start to see what I think is Tyler's house. Jennie,Jocelyne,Jerome,and Sydney sitting on a row in a white room. Jasmine walks in and hits a button. All of them shake. Shock collars. My eyes go back to normal and everyone's afraid. 

"I just saw where they are,and they are in danger. We have to find them soon." They nod. We head out to the cars.Dawn,Rachel,Martin,Adam,Ty,Jason,Tyler,Jordan,Mitch,Ian,Me,and even Ezrela and Tia came to help. We will get our friends back. Tyler will feel pain. He will die again and he won't come back this time.

"Guys,come on he have some fools to kill.' Rachel says. I run to the car and sit in the back.A few minutes later,everyone is in a car. We drive to Tyler's house.It take a while to get there though. The moment we pull in the driveway,we hear screams. We run in. 

"What are you guys doing here?" Tyler asks surprised when we walk up behind him. Jennie,Jocelyne,Sydney,and Jerome are all sitting in a line. Jasmine and Seto walk in. Good the whole crew is here. More people to kill. 

(A/N Short chapter that leads up to tomorrows. Enjoy! BAI)

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