Ch5: New Dawn

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There was a break in the rain. Seeing as this might be our only chance to get to HQ without getting soaked, we decided it was time to head out.

"What? You don't like the rain?" Wrench asked nudging me with his arm as we exited the donut shop. I rolled my eyes draining the rest of my coffee and throwing away the cup in a conveniently placed garbage can.

"Is this in reference of my name?" I groaned.

"I don't know, I mean it could be. Or maybe i'm just trying to get to know more about you." he said the emoticons on his goggles flashing to ^_^

"That sound like a lie but...okay." I replied sarcastically.

"Me, lie? Never." Wrench said with a chuckle. "Come on, you gotta at least tell me where it came from."

"What, why?" I asked shooting him a look.

"Because otherwise I'm going to have to assume it was given to you by a hobo midget named Rick who you had a fling with over the Summer of 2012." he replied, his voice sounding dead serious and fake as hell all at once.

"Actually his name was Trevor and it was the summer of 2013 soo..." I said looking at him with a deadpan expression.

"Wait seriously!?" he cried in surprise.

"No!" I laughed.

"You can't joke about these things Kit, I would have went on thinking I was some type of wizard or something."

"Definitely not a wizard, sorry."

"Don't keep me in suspense." he begged, stepping in front of me and walking backwards.

"You are either going to trip and fall on your ass, which I'm so going to laugh if you do. Or your going to run into someone." I said.

"Come on. Please?"

"It's not really a story or anything." I shrugged shoving my hands in the pockets of my jacket. "I didn't have a lot of friends growing up so I usually hung out with my older brother and his friends. They would call me kid, which pissed me off to no end." i said with a small smile. "And one day it just evolved to Kit."

"Damn, here i was hoping for some epic story of how you fought off a hoard of attack kittens." he joked.

I rolled my eyes in response. "Here I am being all serious and then you go on."

"Come on, it would have be a good story if-"

As if on cue, he fell backwards flat on his ass, his heel catching on the uneven sidewalk. The only thing that could have made it better was if he had landed in a puddle.

"Karma doesn't wait around." I laughed. "Maybe, I'm the wizard."

"Your not a wizard because you don't have a beautiful long and flowing beard." he stated.

"I'm working on it." I joked, a smile spreading across my face as I offered him a hand up, which he took standing with a huff. Almost in sync, our phones went off in our pockets. "Sitara needs us back at the Hackerspace." i murmured reading the message.

"Good thing we're on our way then."


We walked into Sitara pacing back and forth with a rather ticked off look on her face. Before I could even get a word out she snapped at me to wait. I held my hands up in surrender and pulled up a chair next to Josh who was sitting at the table fiddling with a practice lock. He was holding the tension wrench too tightly, which kept the plug turned to far. The pins would miss the shear line and keep falling back into their original place.

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