4. Saturday Pt. 3

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The staff brought the container with the names in it and Jungkook suddenly got interested

"So I'm going to draw the name and if it's you then raise your hand; the staff will later on check your ID to see if it's really you so don't come up here feeling slick" He chuckled

Jungkook found it funny so he laughed as well then crossed his fingers and told the rest to do the same

V grabs a name out of the clear container and unfold it bringing the mic up saying the name of the person

"Jeon Somi?" V says (as expected xD)

You can hear sad voices in the back even some cursing

All four look at each other in shock 'YES!' Jungkook was so happy inside but didn't show it to the three while Somi on the other hand was raising her hand while jumping up and down.

Somi then grabs Jungkook's wrist and drags him to the back of the stage eagerly

[At the back of the stage]

V is waiting at the back of the stage then sees two people walk in

"So which one is Somi?" V says then chuckles when he notices Jungkook straight face and Somi's overly happy face

"I'm guessing she's Somi" he holds his hand out and she shakes it "I prefer you guys to call me Taehyung during your stay" (A/N About time, I'm tired of using 'V') Taehyung looks over to Jungkook "I'm guessing you two are related since you're coming as well" (A/N "he takes Jungkook's hand and kisses it" ...I wish) they shake hands

"Yeah, I'm her brother Jeon Jungkook and I came with her because...she can't come alone since she's a girl and...yeah~" Jungkook lies and Somi looks at him like he said something wrong "Yeah" Jungkook repeats awkwardly

"So shall we go?" Taehyung says and holds out his hand and Somi takes it then he holds his arm out, Jungkook looks at him confused "Hello?" and Jungkook hesitates, then takes his arm and locks it with his they then leave to the mansion or whatever.

(A/N) 죄송합니다 this update is trashy but trust me, it will get better soon when all the extra stuff happens at the mansion so stay tuned you guys. 여러분 축복해요~ 너무 감사합니다  ~Byeee~

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