8. Tuesday Pt. 1

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Bang!! Jungkook wakes up to the sound of the front door being banged.

"Fuck!" He says while rolling out the bed "is anyone going to get that!?" He shouts from his room, then checks Taehyung's room and notices he's not there. He looks up at the clock "it's 11:32!?" He runs downstairs and quickly.

Jungkook brushes his lips against tbe front door "who is it?" He says in a fake deep voice.

"It's me Tae" a girl says from the other side of the door. Jungkook looks through the peep hole before he opens the door.

"Hey?" He asks in a 'who the hell is this chick' tone

"Hello, who are you?" She asks

"Jeon Jungkook" he replys

"oh, you must be the winner of the name drawing" she smirks "My name's Nara"

"Nice to meet you Nara" he bows and she nods "and I'm not the winner, it was my sister, I just tagged along" he says trying to look out fot his ego.

"So where's Tae?" Nara asks

"I don't..." A knock interupts Jungkook.

He quickly opens the door, knowing who's on the other side "hey, Jungkook" he walks in completely ignoring the fact there's another person in the house.

"Tae." She says in a bitter tone, which makes Taehyung look up "why haven't you been answering my calls or texts" she bitterly asks.

"Look Nara, i've been busy" he strifes

They start to argue

Somi wakes up to the sound of the two, and quickly runs to the top of the stairs to see what's going on. She takes out her phone to take a video.

"I DON'T FUCKING CARE IF YOU TEXTED ME!" Tae yells and Nara widens her eyes.

Jungkook try's to walk away and get out of the situation untill Tae grabs his wrist "you dont need to go anywhere, because she'll be leaving"

Somi squeels while watching

he gets his butlers to kick her out. "Good riddance" Somi says while walking downstairs "she was bothering"

"I'm sorry you guys had to see me like this" he apologizes hugging the two

"It's alright" Jungkook comforts "I would've done the same if I were stressed and had to deal with someone" Taehyung smirks

"Later this afternoon, we'll be going somewhere, not going to say specifics, but just be aware" Taehyung exclaims

The two nod, then part there ways to their rooms to brush.


(A/N) Ahhh~ I love Nara, she's so precious. I feel bad for giving her this role. I didn't know any idol that I could use to play that role that she plays. I feel like changing her character to one that wants to sabotage everything, in a funny way. I dont know how to explain it xD.

So, it's been a while since I've updated, and I'm truly sorry. Luckily, my program is coming to an end, which gives me more time to write till school starts up again. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and thank you all so much.

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