6. Sunday

39 0 0

The slanted words are the characters thoughts.

7:32 AM

Jungkook wakes up to sounds coming from down stairs and quickly gets up and goes to the bathroom.
He zoomed out of the bathroom after 6 minutes and runs downstairs entering the living room. He didn't see anyone there and no sounds were heard so he leaves to the second living room *yes there's two, Tae's rich (돈 돈 돈)* still searching until he hears noises coming from the kitchen. He enters the kitchen to be welcomed to the sight of his sister and Taehyung laughing while cooking something.

He just stands there, for once I'm not the one to be cooking, bless you Tae

"Hey. You guys didn't wake me up. Why?" Jungkook asks like he actually cares about being woken up on time.

"Well...we have it handled, you can go sit and wait" Somi says with a big smile.

"Better yet" Take cuts in, getting close to Jungkook "You've done enough Somi, let Jungkook take over"

I expect too much

"Aww. Okay" she pouts but it doesn't stay on her face for long as she hops to the dining table.

Fuxk my life

"So, where were we" Tae shakes his brows at Jungkook

"Can you really cook?" Jungkook asks Tae

"I can't, but I know how to make breakfast, so does that count?" He questions Jungkook

"Yeah, sure whatever" Jungkook looks away from Tae, until Tae grabbed his wrists softly and leads him to the stove.

5 minutes later

Tae's basically leaning on the kitchen table counter lookinh at Jungkook. "You know Jungkook" Tae interrupts the silence "If you can cook like this everyday, it would be a pleasure"

Jungkook looks back to see Tae looking at him then turns back around embarrassed "will there be a reward?" He says hesitantly not wanting to ask for too much as he turns off the stove and turns to Tae.

"Of course sweetheart, there's always a reward" he winks at Jungkook.

Fuxk. Why does he look so hot. Wait, wtf am I thinking, no he doesn't.

2 minutes later

Breakfast is set up on the table.

Jungkook looks around then spots Somi on the coach asleep. He creeps up from behind her and hovers his hands over her cheeks to scare her but before he could do anything else he feels two hands grab his. "BOO!" He stubled to the ground.

Somi starts to laugh "hahaha, you thought"

Tae chuckled then helped Jungkook up.

They all take a seat at the dining table and eat.

2 hrs later
12:11 AM

"JUNGKOOK~" Taehyung shouts from his room

"Yes?" Jungkook questions from outside the door

"Come in, i need you're opinion on something"

Jungkook walks in and veiws a 70% naked Tae with only a towel. He gulps trying not to make eye contact with his body.

"Can you give me your opinion about which outfit looks more casual?"

"Sure" Jungkook walks over to where Tae is standing but trips on a shoe and falls on top of Tae, feeling smooth but wet skin. He didn't know why, but he liked the feeling it gave to him, he starts to blush. (Is it too early?)

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