Chapter 1

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Camilla twisted the ring on her finger until she was certain the burning of the platinum on her skin would permanently damage it. It was a fourteen karat, simple diamond ring with the platinum braided around her finger.

Connor had just shown up in front of her hotel room early in the morning to give it to her, and since then she wasn't allowed to take it off. She just couldn't stop admiring its beauty, but it was an odd feeling having it on.

"Kingsley is waiting outside. He's taking us to Tristian's place."

"Great," she said through a heavy sigh. "We had to listen to him talk about the planets the entire flight and now he's our chauffeur."

"He's also on the team," Connor reminded her. "No one likes him, but we all love him."

"One big family," she murmured as she dragged her luggage behind her.

"I got that." Jonnie jogged around the car to take her luggage from her and packed it into the trunk. "Your brother is already expecting you?"

"Yes," Connor said before climbing into the backseat with Camilla. "Don't look so down, babe. We're in love."

She grimaced. "Tell me the rules."

"There are no rules," he said, quirking a brow. He suddenly jerked forward when Jonnie pulled out of the drop off zone. "Jesus, Kingsley. Don't try to kill us now."

"My bad," he murmured.

"We'd have to kiss. My family is really big on affection."

"I can say I don't find PDA attractive."

Connor smirked, leaned into her and pressed a soft kiss to her neck. "How do you explain that quickie in the bathroom this morning?"

"You wouldn't tell them that," she said, unamused. She knew he would.

"Do it for Stephen. He's always been your favorite Devereux brother."

Camilla huffed out a breath and stubbornly crossed her arms over her chest. "What's our story, honey?"


"You wanted to write a book?" Sadie laughed at the idea of her little brother doing such a thing. "I sure hope you didn't send him over to a publisher."

Camilla laughed right along with her. "You can imagine my surprise when he said he found me on Facebook and decided to reach out to me. I took one look at his book and said no."

"It was a good book," Connor murmured more to himself than to the women. He was the one to come up with the lie that he had met her through a private publishing company and was surprised to find she was a successful editor. He should have known it would come back to bite him.

"I can't lie," Camilla said with a wistful smile. "It really was a good book about all the secret things he won't tell me when he gets home from work."

Sadie placed a hand over her heart and sighed. "The one brother I never thought would find love has found love. That's an adorable story. So he really won't tell you anything about work?"

Camilla shook her head. "Absolutely nothing. Everything is top secret, which is why I didn't publish his book. I can't have the whole world reading what my soon to be husband does."

"Your story is bullshit," Tristan said, entering the kitchen where he immediately poured himself scotch from the pantry.

"Baby brother's jealous." Connor pouted at his brother, as if to mock him and ruffled his unruly hair. "Get a haircut, Tristan. I'm sure your woman doesn't like this shit."

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