Chapter 3

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"You gonna stand there all night or come in?"

Stephen looked up at the house he grew up and created all his life memories in before taking a swig of the liquor in his flask. He didn't want to be drunk to a family dinner, but he couldn't help himself from consuming his liquid confidence. "I just got in a few hours ago. I'm not sure I'm stable enough to face everyone."

"Connor worked his ass off to get everyone here," Joseph said with a tight smile. "I hear he's brought a girl home."

Stephen raised a brow. "Connor, bringing a girl home?"

"I had the same reaction, too." Joseph joined his brother and looked up at the house, reaching for the flask. He took a sip of it and grimaced before giving it back. "I never thought he'd get married, especially not to Cami."

Stephen froze for a moment and chugged the last of his whiskey. "Camilla Grace is marrying Connor. Who would have seen that coming?"

"Thought it'd be you. Turns out the baby brother doesn't get his dream girl after all."

Stephen didn't say much else as he shoved his flask into the front pocket of his jacket. There was an uncomfortable amount of wind, and he couldn't stand to be outside at the moment so he walked to the front door where he was immediately greeted by Olivia.

"I've missed you," she whispered to him as she accepted his embrace. "We all have, Stephen. Why didn't you call?"

"A man needs to be alone sometimes, Olive."

She frowned. "Not all the time though."

"Of course not." He followed her into the living room where most of Devereux family had already gathered, but only one face in the room caught his attention. He couldn't even look at it. "Everyone's here."

"Your mother wants us all together again," Kaine said as he approached his som. "How was your trip to Italy?"

Stephen searched the room again for Camilla and caught her wandering gaze. "It wasn't what I'd hoped for, but it was worth the trip."

Joseph followed behind his brother and looked to Tristan with the shake of his head. The two men seemed to be having their own private conversation that no one but Camilla picked up on. She instantly knew the Stephen Devereux standing in the living room was not the Stephen Devereux everyone knew and loved. She should have known when he couldn't even stand to look at her long enough.

"You remember Camilla?" Daphnia asked her son as he approached her for an embrace. "She will be joining the family soon."

"I remember," he said before breaking away. "Congratulations, Connor."

Connor tried to smile for his brother, but he couldn't. "Thanks, Stephen."

"Dinner is set," Victoria called from the dining room. "Everyone join."

The family got up almost simultaneously, but Connor, Camilla and Stephen didn't move with the rest of them. Stephen was staring at the woman who would become his sister in law soon enough, and Connor was watching his brother's defeat with a feeling of guilt.

"You look different," Stephen commented with a remorseful smile. "You let your hair grow."

"I'll meet you in the dining room," Connor whispered to Camilla before reluctantly leaving the pair alone. He wasn't sure it was such a smart idea. Even though Camilla was only playing the role of a soon-to-be bride, it was still dangerous to let everyone think he was trying to give Stephen his time with her.

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