Chapter 8

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"Why aren't you giving the profile to Kingsley?"

Connor didn't look at Camilla as he continued to check over the security footage and quickly paused the screen. "Because of this." He pointed to Jonnie wandering the balcony with his phone in his hand and grinned.

"You're seriously still pissed about his defiance?"

He shook his head and cupped her chin in his hand, bringing her closer to look at the screen. "Do you see what I see?"

"Kingsley on his phone just like you said?" she asked with the shrug of her shoulders.

Connor zoomed in and quickly redefined he screen to appear sharper. "Who do you know by the name of Katy?" he asked, pointing to the cellphone with the caller ID.

"You believe it's the same Katy that Killeen's married to?"

"Kingsley said earlier today that his sister was only checking in," Connor said. He backed away from the screen and began pacing back and forth. "Katy could really be his sister. What are the odds that it's the same woman Killeen just so happened to marry?"

"He's back home, too," Camilla said, recalling his words earlier that day. "If Kingsley and his sister were born and raised here, Katy could have stayed in town, married Killeen, while Kingsley took a job with you in DC."

Connor swallowed hard. He didn't want to believe someone in the family could actually be responsible for everything, but it was becoming a strong possibility. "We have to talk to Killeen again and his wife."


"She isn't home but you're more than welcome to stay and wait."

Connor shared a look with Camilla and sipped on the glass of whiskey Killeen had set out. The atmosphere was tense, and the air felt thick. "Does Katy have any siblings?"

"She's an only child," Killeen told him. "She was adopted when she was seven."

Connor hummed, as if to acknowledge the new information. "Has she ever taken an interest in art before?"

"She teaches an art class on the weekends. It brings in a lot of the money for us to pay the bills."

Camilla glanced around the living room and walked over to the framed photos on the fireplace. "Are you alright, Killeen? You don't look well."

Killeen exhaled deeply and nodded his head in response to her question. "I'm perfectly fine. You aren't with Stephen right now?"

She blinked hard at him. Forcing a smile to her lips, she said, "Why would you assume I would be with him?"

"You two were always together," he said to her with a casual shrug. "Connor was just here and told me you were keeping him company while he was working."

She could tell he was only trying to switch the attention off of him, so she went along with it. "Now I'm keeping my fiancé company. Stephen and I haven't had much to talk about since the gallery walk."

"That's hard to believe," Killeen murmured.

The front door opened and then closed. All eyes turned to the entrance of the living room where Katy was walking in.

"Where's Sammy?" Connor asked disappointedly when he realized she was alone.

"I just dropped her off at a friend's," Katy responded all too quickly. She held a hand out to Camilla and shook it. "You must be Camilla. Stephen and Connor have told me so much about you."

Katy Foster looked just as Camilla imagined - slick brunette hair, dark eyes, an hourglass figure even with her protruding stomach. She didn't have a single flaw on her skin at her age.

"We're here to talk about my brother," Connor said to her. "You were at the art showing with Killeen?"

"I showed up much later," she informed him. "I had to pick Sammy up."

"You teach an art class." Connor walked over to where Camilla stood and looked over the photos of Killeen and his happy family. "Have you always been interested in art?"

She offered him a smile and nodded her head. "It's my passion. I used to collect paintings and drawings, but we recently ran into some trouble, so I stayed away from that."

Camilla quirked a brow. "Should I ask?" she asked quietly enough for just Connor to hear.

He turned to Katy and tucked his hands into his pockets. "We as in you and Killeen?"

Katy nodded again. "We're behind on mortgage and car payments, but we get by with Killeen's job and my classes."

"Katy," Killeen muttered, as if to warn her not to continue the conversation.

Connor met his gaze and raised a brow. "I'm speaking to you as family, as someone who cares about Sammy. If you're in any kind of financial trouble, you come to us."

He shook his head at Connor. "I've asked Tristan for money once already. What kind of man am I to go around begging for money?"

"A human," Camilla said, unamused by the look of shame in his eyes. "We all fall on hard times, Killeen."

He scoffed. "I'm just bad luck, Cami."

"I want to have a separate conversation with you later," Connor said to the man. "We have other things to discuss."

"Do you know a man by the name of Jonnie Kingsley?" Camilla asked without missing a beat in between their conversation. She looked over to Katy expectantly who shook her head.

Connor cocked his head. "So are you telling me that if we pull up your phone records we won't find him listed?"

"Jonnie Kingsley as in Agent Kingsley?" Killeen questioned. "What does he have anything to do with this? And why would he be contacting my wife?"

"That's what I'd like to find out," Connor said. His eyes were challenging and narrowing in on the woman who stood impassively. "What is your relationship to Jonnie Kingsley?"

Katy looked to Killeen and then back to Connor with fear struck eyes. It was time to come clean with every pair of eyes on her. "He's my biological brother."

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