Chapter 5

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Camilla didn't know exactly what she was looking at, but she could tell that it was a portrait of a woman and her child. They were bonded as one with the child curved into the mother's figure.

"I painted this one for Mom's birthday," Stephen said as he came to a stop beside her. His eyes wandered over her body. She had a navy blue dress on that hugged her figure perfectly and flared at the bottom where her black stilettos were exposed. He wanted those heels dangling over his shoulders as he had a taste of that sweet pussy again.

Camilla tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and took a long sip of the champagne in her hand. "How long are your art shows?"

"Two to three hours depending on the business that rolls in." He couldn't take his eyes off of her. To him, she was the most beautiful thing in the room. "There's always that one painting everyone gets hyped about. A live bidding takes place, and that usually lasts the rest of the night."

"I'm proud of you," she said. She turned to look at him and smiled when he did. "You turned your hobby into a career. A very successful one."

"Your brother is nowhere to be found," a man said as he approached Stephen. His eyes moved along Camilla's backside, and he whistled. "You brought a date tonight, Devereux?"

"Connor's fiancé," he told the man just as Camilla turned to him with a tight smile. "Cami, I think you remember Killeen."

"Killeen Foster," she said with a bitter smile. "You and Tristan tried to convince me Stephen was down by the lake and nearly drowned me."

He chuckled. "We thought you could swim. Your boyfriend saved you anyway."

"I hear you have a family now," she said, examining his aging features. He looked tired and worn out.

"I recently married. Katy and I have a child on the way. Sammy's going to have a little sister soon."

Stephen smiled at the man. It wasn't too long ago that Connor had gotten himself into a mess with Killeen and Sammy. Even though the child wasn't his, he kept her company when Killeen wasn't around until he took a job out of the state.

"I've been looking for Tristan all night," Killeen said to the other Devereux member. "Where can I find him?"

"No idea," Stephen said with the casual shrug of his shoulders. "He probably hasn't arrived with all those children to put to bed first."

"Let me know if you find him. I want to talk to him. It was nice seeing you again, Camilla." With that being said, Killeen nodded at Stephen and then continued down the line to look at the rest of the displayed art.

"I want to show you that painting." He jerked his head in the direction of the empty hall that was only accessible to his employees. "Come with me, love."

She tried not to blush with the endearment thrown at her, but she couldn't help it as she followed him. Once they were alone, she took a hold of his hand and held it close to her.

He pulled her into an empty room further down the hall and locked them in. It was dark, but he managed to find her lips and laced his fingers through her long hair. "You're making it very hard to respect my brother enough not to steal his fiancé."

She moaned when she felt his lips on her neck. "You could still fuck me."

He chuckled and then reluctantly pulled himself away from her before flipping on a light. "Don't tempt me, Camilla."

The Billion Dollar Fiancé [#8]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz