19| Welcome

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Everything was white.

My eyelids felt heavy as I lifted them open, the blinding light causing me to squint.

I had to blink quickly, trying to come round from the heavy sleep I'd been in. I rubbed my eyes trying to adjust to everything around me. My head pounded.

Aside from the blinding light, the room was fairly spacious and incredibly sterile. Looking down at my hands, I also noticed that I was very clean. Which was odd considering the last thing I remembered was stepping out of the dropship into death valley, holding on to Clarke, a smell that didn't sit right in my stomach...


I pushed myself up properly, wincing at the dull ache in my muscles. My eyes scanned the room, finding an IV with a tube connecting to my arm. More awake and vigilant now, I pulled at it, eventually yanking it out of my arm. There was a sharp sting, but it eventually subsided.

Panicked, I swung my legs over to the edge of the bed, planting my feet on the cold floor. I set my sights on the door, trying the handle. It didn't budge.

I stepped back, glancing around the room for something - an escape, a weapon. My eyes landed on something above the door; a camera.


With a stronger urgency, I threw my body weight against the door, begging it to open. I let out a frustrated groan, leaning my hand against the wall. I noticed trickles of blood running down my arm from the IV and pressed my hand over the wound, trying to rethink my next moves.

All of a sudden, a face appeared in the opposite window. I breathed out in shock, my throat dry and my voice hoarse. I slammed my fist against the window in a pathetic attempt to grab his attention. "Hey! Hey!"

My hand fell back to my side again as somebody in a blue quarantine suit stopped outside her door, appearing to unlock it. I saw the boy's eyes widen in shock and he let out a yell as the person in the suit took his arm, dragging him down the hallway.

"Hey!" I shouted, my heart pounding furiously, fear flaring up inside me. "Hey wait! Wait!"

I threw myself against the door again, jiggling the handle desperately. I was beginning to feel like I was suffocating. I had to get out of the room. I had to breathe.

I stepped back again, glancing up at the camera. Panic overwhelming me, I curled my hand into a fist again, slamming it into the screen. Warm blood began to coat my hand as shards of glass pierced at my skin - but that was the least of my worries.

My fingers painfully curled around a piece of glass, as I pounded on the door again with my other hand. I pressed my face against the glass to look around, but ended up jumping back in shock when a person with a blue mask and quarantine suit appeared.

I took a quick glance around the room again, trying to figure out what to do. I was running out of time.

I heard the lock on the door click and moved out of sight. I remembered that I still had the shard of glass in my hand and as they came through the door, I held it up, silently threatening to use it.

The person in the suit backed away slightly as I tried to move past. I watched as they went to reach out for me and quickly threw my arms out, grabbing their collar and slamming them against the wall. I took advantage of their daze and smacked their head back again. I let go, watching as they toppled to the floor.

That was easier than expected.

I stepped out into the hallway, which was just as blindingly white and clean as the room I'd been in. I presumed most of my friends were here. Somehow I had to find them. I had to come up with a plan-

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