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Jules POV

I opened my eyes, we were in one those cells that weird guy was talking about, just thinking about that horrible mustache of his and his glasses make me want to puke. I get up before making a horrible hissing sound, my gloves were all red from earlier, I slowly take one of my gloves off, the were bloody and bruised, I try moving all my fingers, my left index finger was the one that hurt the most, which I could barely move, I dont hesitate to put my glove back on before anyone notices. I look around, I was on top of a bunk bed, there was another one on the other side of the cell, Sonic was on the top and Shadow on the bottom, the floor was dirty and there was a small table with a bag of food and water, at least they gave us food, but the real question is, how do we get out of here? And how did we end up on these crummy old beds, I shrug it off and slowly get off the bed, trying to not wake Anyone up. I tip toe to where the food is, my stomach rumbling a bit, I take a piece of the mildly dry corn bread and take a small bite, with one chew I immediatly spit it out, Lily's cooking is way better, I bet the weird guys crummy robots cooked the corn bread. I suddenly hear a bang, I turn to my left and see that Dream was swinging at the magic proof forcefield with a katana, she then spawns a chainsaw and continuously smacks the force field. I roll my eyes and snap my fingers to grab her attention."There are people here trying to sleep for your information." I say, "So what, your the one that cares, I dont." She sasses."Exactly, I care so-" I reply before being interrupted by someone opening the door, we both look at eachother and at the door as the room stayed silent, two robots emerged with a dark orange echidna that was around his thirty's, he looked like a merchant, he wore a brown coat and a white shirt with black pants and boots along with an ear piercing and plenty of rings to feed a family of ten."Get in. Maybe you should think twice about what you sell to people." One robot said, the echidna walks inside the cell but before they close the cell door they put a cloth on his face and he passes out, the two robots carried him to the bottom bunk of the bed and then closed the cell door, one of the bots put the key to the cell door in his mouth which transported automatically to his key holder. Gross.
"Wait a minute! Thats Drake the merchant!" Dream sneers, he layed on the bed looking like a rag doll, "Who is Drake the merchant?" I ask."Only the most unpredictable seller in the world! He gave me colored chicken feathers which were supposedly 'Rare one of a kind Falcon feathers' for 500 rings!" Dream complains, I roll my eyes as I hear a slight grunt, I look behind me and see Amy opening her eyes."W-where am I?.." Amy mumbles, I walk to her and hold my hand out, she holds my hand as I help her get up, as our hands seperate there were drops of blood on her gloves, as she realizes the blood she immediatly looks at my hands."Oh my goodness are you ok?" She asks, I scratch the back of my neck."Uh...ya." I lie, still unable to move my left finger."Ok good. Why do I feel so dizzy?" She says, staring at the ceiling."They made us smell a drug that made us fall asleep." I explain, she lifts her hand up to say something before falling on the floor."Oh god you alright? They must have put more on that cloth than they were supposed to!" I say, kneeling down face to face, I help her stand up and sit on the bed."Thanks Jules, just let me know when the boys wake up." She mumbles, I nod and look at Dream again. I cant believe she's still trying to break that force field, she cant even leave a dent."Ugh! Stupid! Force field!" She says, throwing random things at the forcefield nonstop. I wonder how Lily is going.

Lily POV

The small cot had thin sheets and no pillows, I cant remember how many days ive been here. I havent eaten, dranked, or have done anything in particular at all. I had to work for countless hours in a factory, with no pay, I wonder how Amy has been for these past few days. I just hope shes been doing better than me, I stare at the wall for a long time, feeling the need to shout my emotions and insanity to everyone in this jail. After being captured Cream, Tails and I were seperated from eachother, im just thankful I wasnt chosen to be one of Roberts 'test subjects', I wouldnt like to know how its like being experimented and not treated like a normal being with a heart, a soul, a goal in life, except test subjects are treated like garbage. Tails got picked to be a test subject, Cream got picked to clean all the robots once a week, its hard enough for all of us but this is life. We have tried to escape once, but we were eventually caught and they just gave us a warning. The next time we would try to escape we will all be test subjects and they would do something bad to Tails, we didnt want to risk his life so we gave up, I just hope Amy and the gang come back soon.

Im broken (A sonamy story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora