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Ok guys you chose for them to split up but WARNING this desicion will make something REEEEAAAALLLLLYYYY bad happen in the future, too late to change now though, whoops!
Ok lets continue!

Normal POV

The group made a desicion, Shadow and Jules will save the prisoners and Sonic and Amy will save their friends. One of them however felt unsure of this...

Jules POV

"Amy I dont think this is a good idea! We could save the innocent together then save the rest! What if something happens????" I said, she shakes her head "Jules no! Look the two of you go and save them, i'll see you in three days...." Amy says. She runs to the nearest robo-cycle thats parked near and she gets on with Sonic, she waves at me with a 'Sorry' expresion and Sonic drives away from us."AMY! COME BACK NOW!!!!!!! AH DAMMIT!" I shout before face palming with disbelief, I cant believe that idiot actually did that! This is so frustrating!
"Shadow come on, lets save the people." I mutter, he nods and grabs my hand with his chaos emerald raised high."Chaos control!" He shouts before teleporting to the cell room. We were surrounded by people punching and kicking the cells in an attempt to get out, Shadow took out a skeleton key and started to unlock the cell doors, I grabbed a sledgehammer that a robot seemed to be holding and broke the locks, everyone seemed quick enough to leave, then we came to the last cell, Dreams....
She was standing still, as if waiting for us to get her out of there already, Shadow and I looked at eachother, should we?
"So are you guys letting me out or what?" She says, before anyone could reply we heard a loudspeaker "According to Dr.Eggman there are only 50 seconds left, enjoy!" A robot said, darn..
"Just let me out!!!!!"She shouts, the roof starts to crumble, what should we do?!
"Shadow let her out." I say. He gives me a confused look.
"Of course not she trapped us and...." he says before drifting off, staring at my gloves which were stained with blood.
"Fine." He says, he unlocks the door and Dream immediatly flys out of there leaving us in here, I grab his hand and we run, as we ran he took out his chaos crystal and teleported us out of there, before teleporting though, I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw why.

??? POV

Silver, Blaze, your up next.

Im broken (A sonamy story)Where stories live. Discover now