The Villagers and the Academy

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Naruto's P.O.V

I stared at the mob as they closed in, they were the fourth mob this day, and waited for the pain to come. Then suddenly I heard thuds and people screaming. I looked up from my ball that I curled myself into.
            I gasped at who helped me, "S-Sasuke?" I asked. "Hn" he replied with a grunt, he is such a bastard. "U-Uchiha-sama! Why are you helping the monster?!!!" Many of the villagers cried out in synch. Sasuke glared at them, "go away" he growled. All of the villagers, even the shinobi, backed away at the sound of his voice.
           "Come one dobe, get up" he growled, still mad, I pouted at him but got up anyways. "Your staying at my house tonight" he explained when I asked him why he didn't take me to my house.
          When we got to his house, he turned the stove on, got the ingredients for Mac and cheese and then let the pot boil, then he sat down and stared at me with his hands in front of his face.
           "Uh, Sasuke what are you staring at?" I asked nervously. "I'm trying to figure out why the villagers called you a monster," he replied. I started to sweat nervously, "It's nothing for you to worry about, teme" I replied.
      He growled at that, I chuckled nervously at him. He smirked at me, I gulped, "What are you thinking about?" I asked. He chuckled then said, "About how cute you look nervous." I blushed bright red at him saying that. He chuckled, again, and started to get up and walk my way until he heard the water over heat. He sighed and walked over to the oven and turned it off.
           He then walked over to me and started leaning down, but before he could do anything an Anbu, one of the Anbu's that protect me, appeared in between us. "Hokage-sama wants to see you two," They told us then he poofed out of the house.
         We both ran out of the house and we raced to the Hokage's office. "I won!" I screamed out as I got into Hokage's office. Sasuke just grunted at me, I smiled at him. Hokage-jiji just chuckled at me and Sasuke. "You two will be joining the Ninja Academy as of tomorrow," Hokage-jiji said. Both Sasuke and I gasped, "but Jiji, Sasuke and I already know all of the beginning jutsu's and middle level jutsu's," I cried out.
        Jiji just smiled calmly at me, "You still have to go Naruto." I huffed and Sasuke just walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Calm down Naruto at least we'll be in the same class," he said. I just huffed, again, "Fine I'll go, but Sasuke and I am 12" I said. Jiji looked at me and said, "I know."

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