Chapter 3

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It was dark when we came across a library. Before entering, Abraham broke the door down with his gun in his hand. "Let's go." He called out seconds later. We slowly walked in and made sure it was clear. That was when we started rebuilding the place a bit. Making it walker proof, like pushing bookshelves on the front and back doors and putting fabric over the windows. Once we were down with that, we began making a small fire out of paper from books. I hated the sight of books being teared up and burned but I kept it to myself. "Hey Ashley?" Maggie called to me. "Yes?" I said. "You said you were an author right?" Maggie asked. "Yes." I answered as I walked over to her. Maggie held up a book. But it was no ordinary book. It a was MY book that I have published. "Oh my god.." I mumbled. It was my book titled:" No Man's Land." "Please don't burn that one!" I exclaimed. Maggie chuckled. "Of course not." She told me and handed me my book. "Any books that have Ashley's name on it, do not burn!" Maggie called out to everyone. "Ai." Everyone said. I never thought I would never see this book again. When the fire got better, Tara began boiling some water in a can so we could drink it. I dragged my bag to the end of the library and began reading a book I found of Stephen King. I grabbed my earplugs and began reading my book. Usually when I am reading, I plug in my earplugs to block out the noise of the world so I could read. But eventually I passed out on the chair.

After talking with Eugene, I found Ashley on a chair with a book opened on her face. This chick seems awesome, I liked her already. I am glad I found her by that creek. But she cannot know that I like girls. It's too soon. Hopefully she will understand. I began unrolling some of my extra blankets on the floor and put her there along with her book, after marking her spot, next to her. "Goodnight, Ashley. And welcome to the group." I whispered to her as I walked off. 

Be The Genius In My Heart *BOOK 1 OF MR. & MRS. PORTER SERIES*Where stories live. Discover now