Chapter 5

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We hit the road but later stopped a while later. Abraham was working on it while we were hanging around. I noticed Eugene sitting on the ledge of the fire truck, reading one of MY books. I flushed red a bit. He was reading: "Road to Survival." I believe that was the only one I didn't pick up. "So, you liking that book?" I asked Eugene. Eugene looked up at me and back to the book. "Yes. It's, very interesting and full of action." Eugene informed me. "Well glad you enjoy it." I told him. I then sat next to him on the ledge. "I know why you have the haircut." I told Eugene, trying to shoot up a conversation. "I told you, it's 'cause I like it." Eugene reminded me. "I believe that. I like it, too. But I think you like it for a reason." I explained to him. It was silent. "You're not the person people think you are. You want 'em to know who you are." I added. Eugene put down his book and looked towards me. "Not following you." He told me. "If you didn't have that mullet, you'd probably be like everyone else in the labs. But you're not like everybody else. I would think a lot of people in your position probably would've given up, but you didn't." I explained to him. "There were people, a lot of them, along the way, they made sure I didn't give up. It wasn't me remotely." Eugene informed me. "It was. You started this thing. And you're not like like Samson. He was kind of a mess" I told him. "Not following you." Eugene said. "Well his story goes... that one day when a lion attacked him, God gave him strength and he tore it apart. Then he goes back one day, he's by himself, and he sees that bees have made a hive in the carcass. So later he tells this riddle to people, 'Out of the eater, something to eat. Out of the strong, something sweet.' And I always thought, 'How the hell are people supposed to know the answer when it's just about his own life? When the only place the answer is in his own head?'" Before Eugene could answer, we all heard Glenn yell:"Whoa, what the hell is that?" I got up and walked to where Glenn was. "What?" I called out. "Wind's picking up, you're about to smell it." Glenn told us. I groaned as a stench of a smell came through. "What is that?" Maggie groaned. "Whatever's making that stench, it ain't nothin' nice." Abraham called out as he hopped out the truck. "But we're not stoppin'" He added. "Uh, we're stopped." Tara reminded him. We all began walking up the road, with Eugene following behind. The more we walked, the worse the smell had gotten. Once it came to clear, there was a herd of walkers miles away. They were heading straight for us. Not only that but there was dead walkers spreaded out in farmlands, which it's where the smell is coming from. "Let's go." Glenn said as he began walking back to the truck. Everyone else followed except for Abraham, but he was mumbling something. "Abraham!" Rosita called to him. He continued mumbling. "Abraham, let's get out of here!" Rosita exclaimed. Abraham mumbled again, but he turned to us. "Hold up." He said. "We gotta go." Maggie told him. "No.. No we don't. They can't hear us and they can't see us. Not from here. We're fine." Abraham announced. "Yeah, this is the definition of 'fine'." Tara said. "We need the map. There's gotta be a detour." Glenn mentioned. "I'm not doing it. We detoured in Houston and we detoured in Georgia. I'm not playing that game again." Abraham commanded. Looks like this group did a lot of map looking. Glenn angrily walked up to Abraham. I felt as if that was not such a great idea. "We're not going through this, okay? It isn't gonna happen!" Glenn yelled as he pointed to the herd coming this way. Abraham turned to Glenn. "You got a shit storm behind door A and a storm of shit behind door B. If you're lucky, it's walkers or a shot-up truck. But sooner or later you get cornered. You wind up stayin' and you wind up killin'. We don't go back. We can't go back." Abraham declared. Shit is about to go down and I just know it. "I'm not talking about going back. Just south a few miles." Glenn suggested. "No." Abraham said sternly. "We already hit a full stop 'cause of an air filter compromised by innards. That will happen again." Eugene reminded everyone. "Then we'll hit 'em with the hose." Abraham suggested. "The tank is empty, Abraham." Rosita told him. Well shit that sucks. "If we floor it-" "We still hit them, they still slow us down, and they can stop us." Glenn informed Abraham. "I'm not saying we just go straight!" Abraham exclaimed. "That's the way the road goes." Maggie mentioned. "Abraham!" Rosita called to him. "We can get through! I know it! And that means we are not going south, going around, or going back!" Abraham yelled. I was being silent since I now know that when Abraham is angry, don't mess with him. "No." Rosita said. Abraham turned to Rosita with a scowl on his face. "They're right." Rosita told Abraham. It was then silent. Shit started when Abraham started walking back with him dragging Eugene by the arm. "Hey Abraham!" I called to him. "Hey! Hey!" Glenn screamed at him as we all began running after him and Eugene. "What are you doing?" Tara exclaimed. "Stop!" I screamed. "Let go of him!" Glenn exclaimed. "I'm not gonna let you do this!" Rosita yelled. "Yes you are." Abraham said. "Hey, hey stop!" Tara and I screamed as we began shoving Abraham out his reach of Eugene. Abraham shoved us away. "Hey, you are done! You're done!" Glenn screeched at Abraham. Glenn pushed and tried to get on Abraham from behind but he was ready to punch Glenn. "Do not! Do not!" Abraham yelled. "Stop!" I screamed trying to pry Abraham off of Glenn. "I told you, you do not touch me! You do not touch me!" Abraham shouted as he shoved Glenn to the ground. Holy shit for one arm he can pack some strength. By now we were all shouting and screaming and trying to pry poor Eugene out of Abraham's grip. "I'm not a scientist! I'm not a scientist" I heard Eugene scream. Everyone fell silent. Abraham finally let go of Glenn. We all stared upon Eugene. "I lied. I'm not a scientist. I don't know how to stop it. I'm not a scientist." Eugene confessed. It was then silent for what seemed like forever.

Be The Genius In My Heart *BOOK 1 OF MR. & MRS. PORTER SERIES*Where stories live. Discover now