Chapter 32

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My breathing quickened. I held on to Eugene. Eugene quietly shushed me in comfort. "Arat?" Negan called. Arat pointed her gun at Aaron. "It was me!!" Tara exclaimed. Everyone pointed their guns at Tara. "No..It wasn't." Eugene said. One of the female saviors grabbed me by my collar and dragged me away from Eugene, pointing her gun at my head. Eugene held his hands over his face, crying. I was crying as well. "It was me." Eugene said as Negan walked up to him, with saviors pointing guns at his head. I was sniffing and sobbing. For the love of God Negan, have some mercy. "You?" Negan questioned. "It required one spent casting, one four-holed turret reloader, powder, one funnel for the powder-" "Shut up. I believe you." Negan interrupted him. My sobs grew louder. Negan looked at me. And then walked up to me. "Are you, are you married to him?" Negan asked me as he pointed Lucille to me. I sniffed. "Y-Yes.." I stuttered. Negan chuckled. "How embarrassing for you to be married to such a coward!" Negan exclaimed. I scowled at him. He noticed. "Oh, I'm just messing with you darling." Negan said. He leaned in closer to me. "Oh and by the way," He whispered. "I know that it's fucking you, Ashley McLoughin." I kept my stance, but I said:"Fuck you, Negan." He chuckled at me. Negan walked off, holding Lucille up. "Lucille. Give me strength." He said. He turned back to us. "I'm going to relieving you of your bullet maker, Rick, that and whatever you left for me at the gate. And however much you scavenged, it's not good enough, because you're still a serious, serious hole after today." Negan said. "No!! Please god no!" I screamed and tried to run to Eugene but the savior slammed my head on the concrete with her gun to my head. Negan chuckled walking towards me. "Still the same, after all these years." He said out loud. I scowled at him through my tears. "Let them go." Negan said. Eugene and I nearly collapsed when we crashed into each other. "A-Ashley, I'm scared." Eugene said to me. "I know you are. I am too. Just remember what I taught you. I-I love you. And always." I told him. "And I love you too. Said always." Eugene said. We kissed and held each other. "Let's move out!" Negan exclaimed. "No! Take me instead!" Rosita screeched. Suddenly Eugene was pulled out of my arms. Eugene then kissed his ring and held his hand in fist. I did the same and he disappeared. "By the way Rick, your kitchen is a goddamn mess. I'll see you next time." Negan said as he walked away.

Be The Genius In My Heart *BOOK 1 OF MR. & MRS. PORTER SERIES*Where stories live. Discover now