Chapter Two

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We've been in the car for a few days now. We only stop to relieve ourselves every few hours and so Sarah and Noah can alternate driving. I've taken to resting against the window blankly staring at my watch as the seconds tick into a minute. Each minute ticks into an hour. Each hour ticks into.... I feel like I'm going insane.

Tanner barely says anything to anyone anymore. We've had one full conversation since we escaped. It was after our first stop when everyone had gotten back in the car.

"We got out, Tanner. We finally got out."

He continues to stare out of the window.

"Did you hear me?"

"I'm so sorry," he said sounding far away.

"What are y-"

"I should have gotten you out," he says looking at me and then to Sarah, "It should have been me," glances at Noah, "Not him."


"No." he says turning away, "It should have been me."

No one has really spoken since then.

Sometimes I feel pathetic for not being stronger. Not being smarter. Tanner feels the same and we used to discuss it all the time. All three of us have been hidden away somewhere since the apocalypse started. Whether that be a "safe" community or locked in a house. We haven't gotten to experience true survival out here so all of us are on edge about actually being out here. Noah on the other hand seems like an expert on surviving out here in the decay. He makes me feel safe and by the looks of it, Sarah feels the same.

He and Sarah haven't told us the whole story. This, I can tell. Sarah hangs onto Noah like she might fall apart if he strays too far. His eyes soften every time he looks at her where as almost any other time they're sharp and alert. At this particular moment, Sarah is driving and I look over to find Tanner and Noah asleep. Even while Noah sleeps he looks as if he is watching.

"Sarah," I whisper.


"You and Noah, you're together, aren't you?"

She doesn't say anything and it stays quiet for a while.

"He's really handsome." I offer and I see her smile through the mirror. She looks over to him and then back at me.

"He really is."

I don't ask another question about him though I'd kill for conversation. Instead, I just watch the boys sleep. Tanner looks pained and I see his eyes move rapidly underneath his eyelids.


Him and I have been best friends for years. I remember having a crush on him in 6th grade. He had such a soft complexion with light brown eyes and brown hair. He was tanned from always being out in the sun where now he's ghostly white from being in that house so long. I, however, have a natural very light almond tone to my skin from the middle eastern part of me. My mother was full blooded and I inherited her dark facial features. Dark eyes and wavy black hair.

I sigh and watch Noah. He's a dark brown man with a strong jawline and muscle everywhere that's even more intimidating when you add on his height. He has the stance of a soldier and the haunted eyes of one too. It's sometimes funny to watch him around Tanner. Tanner seems to be studying him a lot and doesn't think Noah notices. He does though and after Tanner turns away, Noah gives a silent laugh and smiles after him.

The moonlight fleas into and out of the car as we pass trees and I find myself falling back to sleep watching the rise and fall of Tanner's chest.

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