Bread x Reader

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You were an employee at a bakery. Although you didn't earn much, you still managed to pay for your house, food and other nessecities in order to live.

One day, you found a recipe for bread. You loved bread so much you'd marry a loaf of bread. So you attempted to bake the bread according to the recipe. The first loaf got burned, the second was gooey and stuff and the third was as hard as a rock. After countless times, you finally managed to make the perfect loaf.

The loaf was absolutely beautiful. You picked it and caressed it while licking it slowly.
It was delicious.
You loved it so much.
No one could ever love this loaf as much as you.
You would not let anyone take loaf of bread from you.

One day, you left loaf of bread for a while to do some stuffs. When you came back, you saw your sister making out with loaf of bread. You had never felt so much rage in your entire life. You grabbed a chair and smacked her head with it so hard that it caused her to fly 70 meters away from your loafy.

You continued bashing her head with the chair until her head was extremely deformed and bloody and shit. You ran up to loafy hugged him tightly to your chest. “I will never ever, ever take my eyes of you ever again. ”

Unfortunately, you did. This time you saw your Mum doing the shimmy shammy with your loafy on the dining table. You screeched like a goddamn chimpanzee and started attacking her with your weaponised frying pan. You bashed and slashed her with said frying pan until she finally ded.

“It seems that the world doesn't want us together, loafy. No matter, we'll just have to die with each other because then, we will finally, truly be together even in the afterlife. Goodbye my love. ”You kissed loafy and stabbed him in the back with your katana which appeared out of nowhere, and yourself.

The two of you dropped dead to the floor. As you were about to die, you looked at loafy and said these very words.

“I forgot bread can't die.”

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