A Thug True Felling

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"Ayyy chill out ma" the guys that I was hitting say. I look up and notice it was just D'Andre dumbass.

"Don't be sneaking up on people and shit like damn" I say to him.

"My bad ma but I called yo name like 10 times" he said.

I look down and blush while saying " oh my bad I didn't hear you."

He chuckle a little then ask me "why you walking."

I shrug and say "my car broke down."

He bites his lip while thinking then say "I can give you a ride" while smirking.

I shake my head while saying "no it ain't that far." Then he respond saying " it ain't no problem and I want to."

I look at him a little curiouser then agreed and we walk back to his car. After we both got in I have him the instruction to my house.

The car ride was quiet but I could see D'Andre stare at me every five minutes out the corner of my eye. Then I just gave up and turned around saying "what?? Why you keep staring at me??"

He bites his lip and say "because your beautiful and I'm tryna figure out while you won't give me your number?"

I look down and hide blush and say " I don't like you like that."

"Don't hide your blush it's cute ma and why don't you like me" He ask.

"Because your a thug and I don't want nothing to do with one" I say.

"Well at least give me a chance ma" he says.

I think about it while looking out the window and says "ok bet."

He smiles while pulling up in front of my house and say " can ill least have your number to set up a date so I have a better chance."

I agreed and we both swap phones and exchange numbers. Then I head inside going straight to my room passing my neglective ma and starting my homework.

~~~~~~~~~~Time Pass~~~~~~~~~~

It's one in the morning and I just finish my homework. Just as I lay in bed and start to draft off my phone vibrates telling me I have a text.

The text was from King(D'Andre) saying "hey boo wyd;)"

Lisha: "one I ain't ya boo and laying down bout to go to sleep."

King: "you will be after the date;)."

Lisha: " HaHa you sure bout that?"

King: "Hell yea ma;) now go to bed I'll hit ya up later"

Lisha: "ight night"

King: "night boo:*"

Lisha: "-.-"

I shake my head then put my phone on the charger and goes to sleep while thinking bout tomorrow.

A Thug True FeelingWhere stories live. Discover now