Being A Bit To Cocky Aren't We?

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I saw the kid look away a small blush forming on his cheeks.
"Do you want anything? I can get you food and water I bet they're done cooking the meat by now." I state.
"N-No. Ill survive on my own!" He tries to get up.
"Oh no you don't. In that condition? I don't think you will last a second out there without opening up those wounds and collapsing onto the ground!"  I gently pushed him back onto the bed. But he grasped my hands and pulled them away. I allowed him to do this, but I was not letting him leave.
"I can make it on my own! I don't need anyone's sympathy!" He shouted.
"Oh really?" I smirked, liking this kids attitude.
"Yeah really! I can last years on my own!" He growled.
"Getting a bit to cocky now aren't we?" I pulled my hands away from his and rested my chin on them. Cole blushed a darker shade of red.
"N-No!" He winced.
"Lay back down." I commanded. He complied. "Good. Now I'm not being sympathetic towards you. I'm just doing what I want to do. Now I could have left you in your own puddle of blood and let you get your flesh picked off little by little by the seagulls, but I knew that helping you was a good thing." I smirked.
"H-How was I a good thing?" He asked.
"Well. Right now I'm starting to like that stubborn and disobedient attitude of yours, and maybe I can actually have someone to assist me during hunts now." I smiled.
"But why?" He whispered. I frowned. "I'm just a delinquent anyways." He mumbled. I got up and walked to a closet on the other side of the room. "W-What are you doing?" He questioned. I didn't answer him. I could tell he was getting nervous. "S-Shiro?" He questioned. I grabbed a mortar and pestle. I turned back around and looked towards him. He looked a bit scared.
"Why the face?" I asked innocently. I walked over to him and laid the utensils down. I then got the green and red herbs and put them in the mortar and used the pestle to smoosh them. After they were smooshed I spread it on his wounds. He winced again.
"Sorry. Just deal with it for now. It'll help heal your wounds." I told him. He grunted.
"Hey Shiro. I brought you and the kid some deer." Kumar walked in with some deer on a wooden slab.
"Hey big bro! How's the kid doing?" My little brother named Okumura came in with two wooden cups of water.
"He's doing fine. I just put the herbs on his wounds. And his names Cole." I grabbed the slab of meat and a cup of water and went over to Cole. I put the slab on the table beside him. I then put one of my arms under his body in the middle of his back and started to raise him up. He howled in pain. "Sorry." I then made myself comfortable behind him, with each of my legs to the sides of him.
"W-What are you doing?!" He shouted and started to squirm a bit.
"Hold still. I'm just going to help you drink and eat. Its better to do it in this position." I stated. Cole nodded. I then tilted his head back on my shoulder and put the cup to his lips. He drank thirstily. "Looks like someone was thirsty." I chuckled. He growled, choking as he did so. I pulled the water away and sat it down on the table. I then grabbed the slab when he stopped coughing and started to feed him.  He complied with it and allowed me to feed him.
"Aww~! You two look so cute~!" Kumar announced. I felt my cheeks heat up a bit and saw that Cole's face was completely crimson. I snickered. He groaned.
"Can you guys do something for me?" I asked them
"Sure. What is it?" Okumura questioned.
"Mind telling the clan that I won't be hunting at my usual times. I'll have to take care of Cole for most of my time." I told them.
"Alright, but the elders may not approve of it." Kumar said.

Touching Spirit Bear Cole x Male OC Where stories live. Discover now