The Enemy

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Warning!!! There's bad language in this part!
"Oh hi Chûjitsuna~! How have you been?" I asked politely. She scowled.
"Cut the crap Shiro. Where is he." She demanded. I looked at her innocently.
"I don't know what you mean?" I lied. Her face was getting red from anger.
"Let me in." She tried to pass me, but I didn't move from my position in front of her.
"Why?" I asked.
There was awkward silence.
"Shiro? Chûjitsuna? What's going on?" Okumura asked.
"Nothing." I told him.
"Nothing my ass!" I covered my little bros ears so he couldn't hear her awful language. "You're taking care of an enemy! A human from the city! For crying out loud! Do you not know what they're doing?! They're taking our home away!!" She shouted. That got the attention of the other clan members. They started murmuring. I heard a few say 'Is it true?' And 'Why is he helping a city human?' And 'City humans are so awful!' The awful part got to me.
"Look here! He is not bad! He was all alone in the forest and he was hurt! His entire body was practically broken and he can't even do a single thing alone!" I hissed. "And if you or a by of the Elders come near him without my permission I swear on my dead body I will make you pay." I growled. She seemed shocked by my sudden outburst. The entire clan was silent. "Now if you don't mind. I need to go check on Cole." I slammed the door shut in her face.
"Is everything alright,Shiro?" Cole asked. I sighed.
"Not really." I went up to him. "You heard all of it didn't you?" I sat down in the chair. He nodded. He looked like he was about to say something, but he shut his mouth. "Hey, Cole." He started to turn and I took that chance to kiss him.

Touching Spirit Bear Cole x Male OC Where stories live. Discover now