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  It had been a week since Lilly and Delia had met. Slowly they began to get to know each other. Both were shocked with the names on their wrist. They were each other's soulmate. They were friends. Well, I guess you could say that. They now lived together and hung out quite a lot. Sadly, they only talked about there history. 

  Delia had a small family of three members. Her, her mom, and her dad. Lilly came from a large family of ten members. Her, her four brothers, her three sisters and then her parents. Lilly's family hadn't been to rich but had had enough money for what they needn't Delia's parents had been to rich for their own good. That's why they moved just about everywhere. It shocked Lilly to hear just how rich Delia was and it made her feel like she was to poor for Delia. Lilly had grown up on a farm and worked in the morning and afternoon. Delia hadn't needed to do that and didn't quite like to work. She was so used to people giving things to her but she wasn't spoiled. Lilly was used to working to get what she wanted. She so used to it that ever time Delia gave her something she was shocked. Lilly did all the cleaning at the farm and kept the animals in line. Delia, however, only helped clean every now and then at her house.

 Delia smiled softly at Lilly who had fallen asleep on her lap. Though she wouldn't say it yet she had fallen in love with Lilly. Dispute all the dumb video's Lilly was awesome to hang out with. What Delia didn't know was that Lilly had actually fallen in love with Delia. They knew so little yet so much about each other. Then Lilly had an idea. Why not make a list of things she loved about Delia.

1. Her hair. It was so soft and she loved to run her fingers through Delia's hair.  2. Her smile. It was so reassuring. 3. Her eyes. They were so bright and comforting.  4. Her laugh. It wasn't loud or quite. It was infections and almost always made Lilly laugh too. There was to much on the list Lilly couldn't remember everything. She smiled to herself as she felt Delia's hands in her hair.

  "I know you're awake. You are horrible at pretending to sleep. Or pretending at all for that madder."

  "SHHHHHHHH! You have no proof that I'm not awake!"

  "Lilly you literally just said something. God, you are a idiot. But that is why I love you." It wasn't in till Delia said it did she release what she said. 

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