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Harry couldn't tear his gaze away from the shiny object in his hand. Harry has used it not even a year ago. 5 months to be exact and now here it is in the famous actor Louis Tomlinson's bathroom. But why?

Louis couldn't shake the sickening feeling. He tried coming up with every excuse. "It's not mine." Louis said.

Harry quietly whispered. "Bullshit Louis. Bullshit."

Louis was becoming a nervous wreck what if he tells someone? He began to panic again. "It's not" he kept trying to convince the boy in front of him.

"Louis. You live here alone. I know it's you. Let me see your arms. Now."

Louis begin to back up. "Harry stay out of it I'm warning you."

Harry took a step forward "You aren't going to do anything." He spat

"I'll fire you." Louis said in a low voice. He knew it was a empty threat. He didn't want to fire Harry.

As if Harry could read Louis mind he said "You wouldn't. "

Louis' anger finally took control. "Get out of my house. Now." He said trying to show no emotions.

Harry just blinked. He didn't expect Louis to kick him out just for wanted help for him because he wanted help when he was in that position.

Harry slipped the razor in his pocket with out Louis noticing and took note that now Louis was almost fuming.

"Out now!" he practically screamed. Harry made his way to the door.

"And Harry don't come back to work today. I'll call you if I even want you there but don't get your hopes up." Louis spat. Harry shuttered at the words and left slamming the door behind him.

Harry had to walk home, Louis never told him about his car. Harry felt something warm go down his cheek. He didn't realize he was crying.

He stop walking and sat down on the sidewalk. He put his head in hand.

Louis trashed the clean living room. Throwing things against the wall and throwing them on the ground while cussing.

He grabbed a beer and chugged it. He looked at the time and groaned and got in his car. On the way he passes Harry sitting on the ground. He nearly stopped feeling guilty but it made him only drive faster.

Harry had called Liam to pick him up now and he was not crying anymore. When Liam picked Harry up he noticed his blood shot eyes.

"What happened Harry why were you on the ground and why are your eyes bloodshot" he questioned his best mate.

Harry kept his head down. "It's a log story but let's just say Louis hates me now and ill probably get fired I just wanted to help him and-" he couldn't finished because he covered his face with his hands reminding himself that he will not cry again.

By the time they arrived at Harry's flat he was tired from crying earlier and he was still cold.

Liam never left his side as he walked up stairs to his room. He let Harry lay down and remove his shirt.

Liam still leaning against the door frame spoke. "Harry you aren't going to sleep all day. You know it messes up your sleep." He tried saying softly to the still upset boy. He hated seeing him so upset.

Harry nodded sleepily. "I know Liam you don't have to remind me and I'm planning to go through with the tattoo I might get it later." Liam's eye widened.

Before he could question Harry he was asleep. Liam laid next to the young boy and the younger boy snuggled up to him without realizing it.

While Harry was sleeping to forget Louis on the other hand was taking everything out on other actors.

He regretted yell at Harry. But it won't matter after he goes home and drinks.

Before Louis could leave Paul stopped him.

"Louis other actors smell beer on your breath. Care to explain?" Paul asked

Louis was to tired to yell or protest. "I won't do it again and it was one beer. So technically I'm not drink goodnight Paul."

Before Louis could let Paul talk he hopped in his car and drove off. He realized he never told Harry that his car was fine now but he shrugged it off its been a long day for him.

Harry finally woke up and Liam drove him to a tattoo shop.

When he walked in butterflies filled his stomach and he got shaky.

A husky tattooed man about 6'2 spoke to Harry "Are you the one getting a tat?" Harry just nodded and walked over Liam following.

"So what do you want?" the man asked as he was setting everything up.

"Birds on my chest" Harry says as he pulls up the image of a bird on his phone.

The man nodded and began. Harry held his hand out for Liam to take it.

Liam took it because he knew Harry was afraid. When the man began tattooing his chest and whimpered and squeezed Liam's hand. Liam rubbed soothing circles on Harry's hand as the man kept tattooing.

Louis made it home and kept drinking while watching TV. Everytime he finished a beer he threw it at the wall.

He was up to 5 now. He was alone like every night in the dark. He decided to skip dinner because he wouldn't be able to hold it down.

Louis phone lit up in the dark playing 'Look after you.' The same song he sang in the car with Harry there.

He leaped to the phone to answer it and answered it. He didn't hear Harry's voice though. It was his mom.

He tried to not slur his words but he knew it will be close to impossible.

"Hey boobear I miss you so much." His mom's kind voice filled the phone.

"I miss you too. " He said slurring and mentally cussing himself out. He hears mom sniffle on the other side.

"Are you drinking again Louis?" His mom's voice sounding small. Louis instantly felt guilty.

"I'm sorry mom it's been a long day. Really. If it helps any I won't have anymore." Louis said slurring worse.

"Okay Louis just some sleep goodnight." His mother said with her voice wavering and with that she hung up.

Louis threw the beer at the wall and went upstairs. He got in bed and starred at the ceiling and wished he never caught Harry.

Harry's tattoo was done now. Two birds right below his collar bone. He liked it very much. "That'll be $120 sir."

Harry's eyes widened at the price and he handed over his credit card. Liam really liked Harry tat but he wondered how Harry thought of the birds as his first tattoo.

Liam drove Harry home and dropped him off. Harry went inside the quiet and dark flat. He crashed on the couch and fell asleep right away.
AN: hey guys! so I know Harry's first tattoo wasn't the birds but I decided to change it whoops. Anyways I hope you enjoyed.

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