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Harry froze as he saw Louis' phone in Paul's hands. He unfroze, and began marching over to Paul to question him while snatching the Paul. Half way on his way over a small skinny hand grabbed his arm and yanking him away. It pulled him away from what he was doing. He turned his head and saw a brunette.

The brunette turned his head and saw it was Tina. Well, he thought it was Tina, but Tina was looking sick and last time he checked Eleanor was the sick one.


"I'm Eleanor, I just came back to get something. I can't find it. Anyways what do you think you're doing?" she harshly whispered.

"He has his phone. He the one doing everything to us," Harry angrily said.

"I know..." Eleanor trailed off. Harry didn't clearly hear her at first, then his eyes budged and he turned his head to her.

"You know!?" Harry harshly whispered. "Tell me everything," Harry continued.

Louis was in the middle of acting when Paul grabbed Eleanor yanking her into his office.

"Paul, what are you doing?" Eleanor asked, as Paul released her arm making her rub it from his grip.

"You're going to be a cover for Louis."

"What do you mean be a cover?" Eleanor asked eyeing Paul.

"Fake girlfriend, Louis is gay," Paul sneered.

"Why would I have to be his 'fake' girlfriend? Just let him be gay," Eleanor said rolling her eyes.

"Because people don't like gay," Paul spat making Eleanor flinch.

"What about Harry? I'm guessing he's involved with Louis, he looks happy I don't want to ruin that," Eleanor said softly.

"I don't care what you want, they aren't expectable."

"Excuse me? I don't have to listen to you," Eleanor said rudely. She hated being rude and mean, it always made her sick to the stomach.

"Do it, or you'll be sorry El," Paul warned.

"You have nothing on me," Eleanor bravely said.

"I can easily ruin you and Zayn," Paul shrugged, he knew he got to her when he saw her emotion change.

"Never say his name."

"You think I want to do this? Tell Zayn about your secrets?" Paul said trying to sound sincere. Eleanor's eyes filled with tears that threatened to spill any second.

"You wouldn't!" She screamed. She never wanted any of that to happen to her in the past, it was something that would haunt and scar her forever.

"I would. Now you will be Louis' 'girlfriend' got it?" Paul said.

"Why are you picking on him?" She said wanting to know the answer.

"I have my reasons," Paul said.


The next day El was walking around the studio when she saw Paul standing with Louis.

"There you are Eleanor," Paul said grimly.

"No," She whispered quietly she tried walking off fast, but he told her to stay. She huffed but stayed. She zoned out as the two boys walked in. Paul greeted them both and called Eleanor over.

"You'll be a cover for Mr. Tomlinson, since him and Harry can't keep their hands off each other and keep it professional."

Eleanor didn't believe he actually went through with it.


As Louis went outside Paul pulled her to the side.

"Let me know if they are in public together got it?"

"Why Paul, so you can make sure the paps see so you can force me on him more?" She half- way joked. Paul looked away guilty.

"You aren't serious... are you?" She said in disbelief. He still didn't answer.

"Answer me dammit!" She yelled as she flew her hand up to his face to smack him. She was already sick of him and he hasn't even been bothering her that long. He caught her by the wrist griping it tightly. She winced and he dropped her hand. "I'm not doing it," She continued. He rolled his eyes.

"I'll get someone else to help me, and I'm sure she will help me. Considering who I am to her," Paul arrogantly commented. Paul rolled his eyes one last time and walked off.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Harry asked.

"I was afraid to, Harry, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine," He said holding

his hand up in the air dismissively. "You were just trying to defend yourself," Harry continued.

"You're a very strong person Harry," Eleanor said.

"Thank you, so how are we going to stop him. I want to be free," Harry said determined.

" I don't think we can," Eleanor sighed. "He has something on all of us," She continued.

"All of us? I doubt he has anything on me," Harry said.

"He knows your gay Harry," Eleanor stated.

"Yeah, and who is he going to tell? My mum already knows," Harry said sounding a tad bit sad.

"I'm guessing she didn't take it well?" Eleanor asked, Harry shook his head. "I'm sorry to hear," Eleanor continued.

"It's whatever," Harry sighed.

"Not really, anyways where is Louis we should tell him," Eleanor sighed.

"He's doing a scene, I've tried telling him but he's so sure it's Lou. He won't believe me."

"I see, I understand why he would think it's Lou. Maybe it's both, but for now let's focus on Paul. We can go wait for him over there," Eleanor said pointing to a corner where Louis was acting. Harry and Eleanor began to stride over to Louis. They had no clue Paul has been listening the whole time. He put up hidden cameras months ago, and watched them from his phone.

Halfway to Louis, Paul grabbed both their arms and yanked them away.

"What do you think you're doing?" Paul asked angrily.

"We are telling him," Harry said boldly.


AN: hey sorry it took so long for such a short chapter I'm truly sorry, I've been writing a new book. Ill try updating this one DURING the week, and my other on the weekends. It's also a Larry Stylinson. :)

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