Secrets That Must Be Kept

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What could they had been talking about? And why were they hiding it. I just had to know what could be going on behind my back. I mean why else would they act so shocked and dodge my questions there was definitely something going out behind my back. But what? I wanted to investigate more but I was bedridden and unable to go look around all I could to was lay In bed eat and watch Tv all day. I soon realized that I hadn't even tried to use my powers since I was found. I decided to try and see if I could do anything. "Ok this is simple. All you have to do is move that spoon from the tray table to your hand." I mentally said as I focused. The usual black aura appeared and the spoon started to shake and then nothing. "What! My powers aren't working! There only three circumstances where demonic magic doesn't work 1:The Magic God is present 2:You've crossed dimensions 3:Your emotions are out of balance. It couldn't be the last one because I had been stable all day and it couldn't be the first one because there would be other signs like I don't know giant rabid rabbits in top hats attacking so that was out as well. That only left one possibility I had somehow crossed dimensions. "But how that makes no since!" I thought but it was still possible there were signs. Traveling through dimensions made you incredibly weak and drain your power as well as making your memory temporarily broken as your body adjusted to the new energy flow of the place. I was weak my powers were down and I couldn't remember anything from before Beast Boy found me I knew I had to get some answers and I knew I wasn't getting any out of my friends. There was only one option I hadn't yet seen my room as the others were oddly against me going in there but I was going to have to break a few rules to find out the truth. I waited until that night after everything quieted down and the Titans were all asleep. I then quietly crept out of the room to my room down the hall and I was absolutely shocked at what I had found. It was desolate and empty as if no one had been in there in years. Things were broken rusted dusty and covered in cobwebs. "What the heck?" I wondered I then tripped on something a green notebook with the simple words "Beast Boy's Journal" written in sloppy letters. It could have all the answers if I read it but what else would I find? I heard footsteps coming down the hall looks like I would have to question morality another time.

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