The Game Plan

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How was I supposed to do it. To look into his eyes and say no. To say I would leave him and let him get hurt again to tell him I would never come back and he would just have to expect that I was going. I just couldn't could you? Tears started spilling down his cheeks as I started to walk away. I made the mistake of looking back. I hung my head in defeat "Ok." I said. He wiped his face "Ok what?" He questioned "Ok I'll stay." I told him He smiled and that feeling in the pit of my stomach like a heavy stone finally stopped. He got up and hugged me causing a blush to appear on face. As good as this was all I could think was about how terrible this could all turn out and as he left with his book all I could think about was all the risks that could quickly take place if I stayed "Dimension Destruction Time Warps Black Hole World Rift and so much more." I thought as I thought about the risks all I could think was if I could make an escape out the window create a portal and get out then that image of Beast Boy's crying face appeared in my head and I vouched to stay. But by the next day I had a plan. My powers had mostly returned and I was no longer weak so I went to talk to the others. "Look I know that this is a different dimension and that I don't belong here." They all awkwardly looked around. "So..." I continued "I also know that you lost the me who belongs here and that none of you are over it yet." The once again looked away "So I was thinking that I could stay here just for a week or so until I'm sure everything is totally in order with my powers and strength so that I can go and while I'm here you can all say the things to me you wanted to say you know to get closure and stuff." I told them. There awkward faces now turned curious at the prospect. "Well." Robin said "Um." Cyborg thought "Hm." Starfire pondered the only one totally on board with the idea was Beast Boy. "Come on guys it could be good for us I mean you all know just as well as me that we need this." He told them "Well?" I asked

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