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BOOK: Destroy Me
CHARACTERS: Vincent and Kendall ft. Devon
SHORT BIO: After their messy breakups with Isaiah and Jessie, Vincent and Kendall have been spending a lot of nights together.

I WISH I WAS with you instead of here,
K xx.

I sighed and dropped my phone on my bed beside me.

"Kendall," I whispered, then sighed again and picked my phone up.

Let me see you.

Her reply was almost instant.

You can't come here, she's drunk again.

I'll come and get you and you can come here. You shouldn't be around her when she's like this.

I waited for Kendall to reply and I could feel my heart beating faster than it should be. The time started to pass by very slowly.





I pulled myself out of my bed and got dressed as quickly as I could. I grabbed my car keys off of my dresser and as I started down the stairs, I froze.

The television was on.

I peeked further into the living room and saw Devon laying on the couch.

"Dev?" I whispered and I walked over to see that she was asleep. I sighed and shook her a little. Her eyes opened a little, then tried to close again. "Dev, you can't sleep out here. Go to your bed."

"Shut up Elijah," she mumbled and I felt my heart squeeze a little. Suddenly, she looked over to see if I was actually Elijah or not. "Oh..."

"Come on," I sighed and picked her up. She was too tired to argue with me, but when I felt her head drop onto my chest I felt her tears soak through my shirt.

I tucked Devon in and she mumbled a thank you before I finally left the house. When I arrived at Kendall's house, she came out immediately.

"Hello Vince," she smiled sadly and I could tell that she'd been crying. Isaiah had done to her what Jessie had done to me.

They shattered us.

I reached over and tucked some of her blonde hair behind her ear. It was messy, but Kendall was past the point of caring what I thought.

"On a scale of one to ten, how shit are you feeling?" I asked. She scoffed and held up seven finger.

"What about you?" She asked as I started to drive again.

"This isn't the first time Jessie has fucked me over," I shrugged.

"Isaiah has been doing this to me since we started dating," Kendall frowned. "I should be used to it by now but I'm not and it fucking hurts Vincent. It feels like I'm being stabbed in the heart and I don't want to feel like this anymore."

"I know," I mumbled and I wanted to hold her, but I was driving. The rest of the journey to my house was fairly silent.

Kendall, once entering my bedroom, crawled under my blanket and I heard her sigh.

"Ken," I said and her head peeked out. "Do you want anything? Like a drink?"

"No," she answered and dropped her head on my pillow. I smiled a little and went to lay down next to her. "Vincent?"

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