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BOOK: Legacy
CHARACTERS: Remi and Apollo ft. Valkyrie and Spencer
SHORT BIO: Remi is roped into taking Apollo, Valkyrie and Spencer out for Apollo's sixteenth and after promises him a birthday present.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING?" Remi spat as Spencer smirked at him. "I have better things to do then take you all to the movies."

"It's for Apollo's birthday!" Valkyrie yelled at him. "Have some heart Remi."

"You can watch too if you take us," I bribed him. He looked at me and gave me a once over before sighing.

"If I'm taking you then you have to change," he said.

"Change?" I frowned. "Why?"

"Why are you asking questions?" Valkyrie narrowed her eyes at me. "Just go and change."

"Wear that yellow sweater," he ordered me. I nodded and walked out of their house. My house was only a two minute walk and once I got there I rummaged through my wardrobe and found the one that I was looking for. It was really loose and a little too big for me, so I had to roll the sleeves up so that they wouldn't cover my hands.

I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror hanging on the back of the door.

I hated this sweater, it made me look like a child.

There was a honk and when I looked out of the window I saw that Remi's car was in my driveway. I slid into the passenger's seat and Remi looked at me for longer than he should have. I knew he'd only made me wear it to get back at me for ruining his day.

"I know," I muttered. "I look like a kid."

"Mhmm," Remi hummed and smirked before pulling out of the driveway.


I was washing my hands as Remi appeared next to me.

"Did you like the movie?" I asked.

"Sure," he muttered and turned the tap on.

"You didn't, did you?" I sighed. "I guess it really was a waste of your time. Sorry."

"You can make it up to me," he said and when I looked at him in the mirror, he had this look in his eyes.

"What?" I asked. It was more of me wanting him to repeat what he said, but he pushed me backwards and into one of the stalls instead. I stumbled onto the closed toilet seat and looked at him in complete shock. "R-Remi!"

"Ssh," he hissed and locked it. I went to say something else, but he covered my mouth with his hand and held a finger up. I heard a tap turn on, then a moment later it turned off and the door opened.

I expected Remi to move his hand away completely, but instead he grabbed my face in his hands.

"What are y-" I started but Remi slammed his lips onto mine. I quickly yanked my head back to stop it and looked at him with wide eyes.

"What are you doing?" I breathed.

"Make it up to me," Remi told me and I would have thought he was joking if his face didn't look so serious.

"O-Okay," I stammered. His signature smirk returned and he kissed me again, just for a second before pulling away.

"Are you scared?" He asked.

"Yes," I answered and he winced.

"Apollo," he frowned. "I didn't mean to-"

"Not of you," I said quickly. "Never of you."

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