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BOOK: Lessons on Love
CHARACTERS: Charley and Kingsley ft. Everyone else
Set almost six years after the events of Lessons on Love, Charley is heavily pregnant with Kingsey's baby.

"TOUCH MY STOMACH ONE more fucking time," I snapped at Dani as she made cooing noises and held my very large stomach. "It can't fucking hear you Dani, just wait until it's out of me to be weird."

"Stop calling him an it," Dani pouted and slid further away from me on the couch.

"We don't know what it is yet," I told her and tried to get comfortable. I was eight months and three weeks pregnant with Kingsley's devil spawn. He told me to stop calling it that, but it was a little hard when it literally felt like Satan was in my stomach.

"He is going to look just like his dad," my father told me and handed me a plate with sliced watermelon on it. "Kingsley's family has nice genes."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and took a bite out of the watermelon. The door opened and as I looked over, Kingsley walked through the front door. He was in his navy blue suit, my personal favourite, and he looked angry. "Bad day?"

"It was," he muttered and planted a kiss on the top of my head before smiling and putting his hand on my stomach. "Did she kick much today?"

"Okay first of all," Dani snapped, "why does he get to touch the stomach and I don't? Also, what makes you so sure that it's a girl?"

"I'm going to change," he told me. I held the watermelon out for him and he took a bite before going into our bedroom.

"What are you going to do about the nursery?" My dad asked. "This is a one bedroom house."

"We have a bassinet in our room for now," I shrugged. "I'm too pregnant to care honestly."

There was a loud meow and as I looked over, Ginger was struggling through the cat door again.

"I swear to god," I muttered and started pulling myself off of the couch.

"It's fine," Dani said quickly. "I'll get her."

"I'm going to kick the thing back out," I huffed but as I finally managed to stand, I felt something run down my legs. I looked down and hummed a little. "I think my water just broke."


Kingsley tapped my nose and I laughed a little before smiling at him.

"How is she?" I asked. 

"Why don't you see for yourself?" He rose an eyebrow at me and I looked up quickly as the nurse brought our daughter into the room. 

"Have you thought of a name yet?" She asked as she picked my baby up and handed her to me.

"Nah," I answered and smiled at her. I mean, I couldn't tell if she looked like me or Kingsley yet, but she was very cute none the less.

"Actually," Kingsley said and I looked over to him, "what about Noelle?"

"Noelle?" I repeated and looked at her.

"Your mum's name," he reminded me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I like it," I nodded. "Do you like it baby?"

Kingsley laughed a little and he put his hand on her back. 

"Noelle," I nodded and Kingsley smiled.

"Is it alright to send some of your family in?" The nurse asked and I nodded. The first to come in was my father who, upon seeing Noelle, started tearing up. After hearing her name, however, he started bawling and spent the next ten minutes just staring at her. 

"She's gorgeous," my father mumbled after giving her back to me. 

"Of course she is," I scoffed. "She's mine."

"What happened to her being the devil?" Kingsley rose an eyebrow at me.

"Shut up," I scoffed.

"Hey your parents are here," my dad told Kingsley and I saw him tense up a little. 

"We can just tell them that I'm too tired to deal with anyone," I suggested.

"Yeah," Kingsley nodded. "That's a good plan, go tell them that Aaron."

"Uh..." He frowned and looked at me. I shrugged then turned my attention back to Noelle. My dad kissed my forehead before leaving and as soon as he was gone, I held Noelle out to Kingsley.

"A Noelle for your troubles?" I joked and he laughed before taking her. I wasn't sure if it was my hormones, but he looked hot holding a baby.

"I just want to have a perfect life for a few more hours," he mumbled. I smiled and put my hands over one of his. We stayed like that for exactly two seconds before the door opened again. 

"King!" A shrill voice cried and Noelle shot awake and started crying. Kingsley tried to calm her down but it was a little difficult as his mother came over and tried to steal her. 

"Congratulations," Warren muttered and Kingsley smacked his mother's hands away. He finally managed to settle her down and then glared at his parents.

"Charley is tired," he told them coldly.

"How could we not come and see our youngest's first child?" Cynthia pouted and held her arms out expectantly.

"I'm not giving you my daughter," Kingsley scoffed. 

"What's her name?" Cynthia asked.

"Noelle," I answered. 

"Is she taking Roth or Keating?" She checked. 

"Roth," Kingsley smirked and I looked at him in confusion. Kingsley and I were engaged and I guess I'd always assumed that I'd be taking his last name, which meant that it would only make sense if Noelle had Keating too. 

"You can't do that," Warren narrowed his eyes at him. "What happens when you and Charley get married."

"I'm taking her name," he answered. "Kingsley, Charley and Noelle Roth. The Roths, Warren."

I could tell that Warren was becoming agitated and honestly, I kind of liked it when Kingsley annoyed him. There was nothing that I liked about Warren, he was a terrible father to Kingsley and I would have yelled at him for it a long time ago had Kingsley let me. 

"Can I hold her?" Cynthia begged.

"Nope," Kingsley answered and I resisted the urge to laugh. "Can you two leave? Charley is tired."

"Come on," Warren muttered and pulled Cynthia out of the room. Kingsley relaxed into the chair a little more and let out a sigh of relief.

"Kingsley Roth?" I rose an eyebrow at him. 

"What?" He asked. "You don't want me to?"

"Further proof that I wear the pants in the relationship," I teased.

"Shut up," he snorted and looked down at Noelle. "I love you."

"I bet she loves you too," I smiled.

"I was talking about you, you dork," he scoffed. "I love you Charley."

"I love you too," I nodded. 

"What are we going to do about a house?" He asked. "She can't share a room with us for her whole life."

"We can deal with that later," I assured him. 

"I love her too," he told me.

"Of course you do," I smiled.

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