Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Andy's P.O.V

My stomachs been hurting a lot lately and I'm guessing it's because the munchkin is due any day. I'm so happy besides the fact that Daniel hasn't been with me the past couple of days and it's getting to me.

Right now I'm sitting here in bed waiting for Daniel and to be honest I'm tired as hell and I know I won't be able to sleep that well without him here. He'd be here late... again and let me sleep in late. I don't like it but I can't really do anything about it, his alpha but I'm his Luna, not to mention PREGNANT.

I wait another hour before I fall asleep.

--------Friday (idk what day it is in the book)----

I wake up to the amazing smell of pancakes, bacon with eggs, and French toast and there's tea. The pack doctor said I should drink that instead of coffee.

"Hey baby! I'm sorry I came in so late last night I was trying to finish all the alpha stuff so I could have the next month and a half with you and the baby!" So that's what his been doing the past few days.

"It's fine. Aren't you tired?" he sure looks tired.

"If you want to do anything let's go we have all day today." his eyes show excitement but his body is looking weak.

"I still tired let's sleep, you need it too we have all day remember!" I kissed his cheek and took his shirt off since I know he doesn't like sleeping in clothes.

"Thank you Andy." he said kissing my cheek. "I love you, both of you"

"And we love you!"


I woke up with a huge bang. I looked around the room and didn't see anything that could be out of place or if it made the sound.

I looked over to see if Daniel was still in bed and he wasn't. I quickly slipped on some shoes and headed downstairs where that banging noise continued to make.

I made my way down the stairs by the way it took some time.

What I saw wasn't pretty.

"DANIEL WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he was beating the shit out of Dylan.

I made my way over to him and pulled him off Dylan.

"Daniel why were you fighting with him?" I asked a little more calmly

"He was talking about you. he was asking Lukas if he should ask you to go hang out and visit his family. the punk wants you and I won't let him near I'm going to kill him!" he was about to run to Dylan.

"Daniel so what I've already met his family and everybody else's there nice people. You need to calm down and relax." he glared at Dylan from where I was holding him back.

"Daniel look at me." he continued to glare at Dylan after a few seconds he rooked down at me.

"I love you! you know that right?" I asked him pulling him into a hug.

"Yes I know, I'm sorry it's just I haven't been here and I don't like you hanging with all the other guys. and I know it's because you have nothing to do and I just don't like you hanging out with them." he said pouting in the end.

I motioned for Dylan to go.

"Daniel you don't need to be jealous of anything your the one I love and the only one I want. You don't ever need to second guess that. I knew you were working and I was okay with that because I knew in the end it's be worth it. I didn't complain or anything because I wanted you to get rid of the work so you can relax and spend time with us." I said smiling and kissing his nose.

"I need to apologize to Dylan, don't I?" He grumbled. he knew where I was heading next.

"Yes you do. his one of your best friends and this will not get in the way Dylan is like one of my best friends too I talk to him about almost everything well not everything that's why your here."

"I'm sorry." he whispered into my neck.

"It's okay"

"I love you Andy and mini me!"

"We love you to daddy!"


Hey guys so yeah I know long time no update but that is going to change my friends and that is because I now have wifi and will be updating more often and I'm going to update a new book to keep you guys entertained.

Love you all


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