Chapter 38

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Chapter 38 

Daniel's P.O.V

After Andy and Zak went upstairs to change I made a bottle for the little man and then an ice tea for Andy. Everything's been pretty easy around the pack house. We've had three different pack members and surprisingly they came to us without a fight and asked to be in the pack but at first nobody trusted them except for Andy and even more surprisingly Zak. 

      Andy didn't talk to me for about a week until I started to actually spend time with the couple and to be totally honest they were pretty chill. The guy who's name is Taylor is actually a fun guy to be around. Lizzy, the girl, is kind of shy and quiet but when she's with Andy she can be loud and crazy just like Andy. 

   Lucas and Annit are never apart and it annoy's Andy because she doesnt get to hang out with Annie as much anymore, but anyway back to them changing.

"Daniel did you make Zak's bottle, maybe he'll fall asleep in the car with it so we can go somewhere I've been dying to go to!" She yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah, I got it!" I yelled back.

Andy came through the kitchen door and sat Zak on her hip. She looked sexy as hell ( I'm sorry if people don't like using this word ) you guys can imagine what I wanted to do. To my surprise and her's as well that she lost the baby fat as she calls it pretty quickly but we think its just the alpha blood in her. She somehow got hotter then shewas before. I dont even understand. She begged to go back to school and imagine me there with her having males from different packs eyeing up MY mate, right infront of me. I remember last Tuesday this guy from another pack came and asked Andy out right infront of me, I mean did he not feel all the alpha power I had? Did he not see my arm wrapped around her waist? Did he not fucking see me kissing her against her locker and everywhere else in the school? This dumbass had to come and ruin my day, but Andy just stood there and next thing you know she's laughing her ass off but then quickly composed herself and politly declined. I tried to kick his ass but Andy said she'd put me on the lease for a month or more. Like the good boy I am I did nothing...yet. 

"Daniel you ready? or are you going to stay here while I go to the mall where a bunch of teen hormonal werewolfs are?" I gave her a glare and she blew me a kiss. She's lucky I love her. 

"Your lucky that I LOVE YOU" she giggled. Did I say that out loud? 

"Yes you did and you keep doing it." 

"Let's go, we need to get the little man all hot for the ladies." Next thing you know my hair is being pulled.

"My baby is not going to be a little player and you better stop saying he has to get ready for the ladies because the only person he has to get ready for is me. Understood?" My heads starting to hurt, but you know how this women has me tied around her little finger and I agree to everything she says. I nodded and stood up straight and hugged her.

"I was kidding babe, don't worry we will teach him how to respect girls and everything he'll always be your little man," I kissed her forhead and hugged her again. 

"Good, now let's go" 

I followed her towards the car carring Zak's diaper bag. 

---------AT THE MALL----------

The moment we entered the mall there were eyes on us, no not on us but on Andy. I growled to warn the unmated males to back off before I beat the shit out of them or worse kill them.

"Let's go Target first I want some nice shirts for Zak and I like Target." We had already put Zak in the stroller. We got one of those big one's where the baby was facing Andy. He was just staring at the cieling but then he looked at his mom making faces and started giggling. 

"Daniel, where is the bottle you made Zak? He looks kind of tired and I want him fed before he falls asleep." I took the bottle out from under the little haper thingy in the stroller and handed it to her. Once she out it against Zak's lips he started to suck on it. I took my phone out and took a picture and sent them to my dad and mom. 

" Daniel do you always take pictures when no one is paying attention?" She asked taking a picture herself of Zak. I took one of her while she was doing that and smiled at how cute they both looked and changed that to my wallpaper. 

"Yes, yes I do." I kissed her cheek and wrapped my arms aroundher while she was looking through the racks and Zak by her closing his eyes but opening them life he didn't want to fall asleep, but he did. I took the bottle that was still half full and placed it in the cup holder. 

"How do you think he would look in this one?" Andy was holding up a shirt that said MAMA'S BOY. I grinned and nodded my head and she passed it to me to hold it and looked for some more shirts. 

We spend most of the day buying new clothes for the baby and it was arouns 6 when Andy decided she wanted to go home.

"B-but what about my present?" I asked like a little kid. Dude i may be 18 but I want my present especially if its coming from my mate. 

"Don't worry we'll come back tomorrow and we'll go leave Zak at my dad's house your parents are hanging out with him so they said it was okay since I was on mama bear mode for a while and haven't let them see him for more then a couple hours they'd enjoy a whole day!" 

"Fine" ugh whyyyy, why does this happen to me. 


Hey sorry guys I know I haven't updated but I think I made this chapter a little longer then my other chapters. I hope you guys like it and please give me some feedback. Thank you and thank you for being so patient.




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