Chapter 19-20

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I continued to hang out with Amanda and Bob and his friends, as well as Frank. Basically, I was part of their circle and Frank seemed to show no frustration towards that. Not bullying me, however, meant that he needed to be more creative when it was time for us to head off somewhere and get it on. He was fairly creative, indeed, going back to meeting after school or getting away somewhere, just the two of us, during lunch. Only we'd been reduced for now to swapping blow jobs as neither of us had bothered to get new lube at all. Not that I complained really. Being on the bottom all the time left my cock pretty neglected, so it was fun watching it get a lot of attention those following days.

Every day during Lunch, I was greeted and invited to eat lunch with Amanda and these guys. I didn't put much thought into the fact that Frank had not broken up with Amanda yet. I started hanging out with them more regularly, going to her and Bob's house to play video games and watch TV. That was hard for us because there was no where that Frank and I could go without the possibility of getting caught. And I only saw him during school and after school and when I went to this girl's house.

Things were going well. Drew, Jake, and Bob all seemed to like me just fine, and Amanda went out of her way to show hospitality. I mean, really out of her way. It got to the point that it was actually starting to make me a little uncomfortable at times. She was always asking me first if I wanted anything and leaving the floor open for anyone else if they wanted something, too. Every few minutes it was, "Mikey, would you like a Popsicle?" Or "Mikey, would you like anything to drink? Mikey, can I get you a sandwich?" This whole charity business was really unnecessary. It made me wonder just how pathetic I came off that this chick went out of her way to kiss my ass like this.

It wasn't just the waiting on me hand and foot. Whenever we were alone she often said some of the weirdest things. Like once when I had to take off my glasses to clean them and she was staring at me. When I looked back she was like, "What color are your eyes?"

"Uh, I dunno... They kind of change colors."

She then got really close to my face, like she was looking really deep into them, and I felt that invasion of personal space that made me want to back off.

"They're really pretty. You ever think about getting contact lens?"

"I don't like things touching my eyes..." I said, putting my glasses back on, and getting up to get something from my bag. But mostly I wanted to get away from her. I hated it when she was nice and complimentary while still being Frank's girlfriend. That never felt comfortable. I guess that's just a chick thing. Maybe she wanted to stroke my ego and build my self-confidence because I'm shy. Regardless, I fucking hated it and I didn't want it to show at all that I fucking hated it.

It was now Thursday afternoon. We were sitting around doing nothing, and Jake and Bob were engrossed in a round of Sega. I was keeping to myself as usual, looking at one of my comic books. It was boring, but I enjoyed the peace. Turned out I was the only one.

"I'm fucking bored to death, man!" Drew bellowed out. "If I don't do something outside, I'm going to lose my mind!"

"Like what?" Jake said, and even I had stopped reading to hear any suggestions made.

"It's really nice outside. Why don't we play football?"

They all thought about it, and even Frank was game. I'd played a few times, and knew a thing or two about it, but I wouldn't begin to consider myself good. However, from this game, I became aware that I was pretty good at receiving. Had no idea about that.

Ya know? There's a lot of homosexual connotation to be found in football. Men in tight clothes and shoulder pads smacking each other on the ass, bending down to hike the ball while another dude gets behind him into a questionable position. And then they spend the game running each other down and falling on top of one another to keep them from running off with the ball. And if that's not enough, what about the "tight end" and the "wide receiver"? Despite what you might believe, gay boys have every reason in the world to love football. I wouldn't say I was a good player, but I don't suck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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