Princess of the Dark:Chapter 4-Bitter Disapointment

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This one is a little longer and shows that this not going to be just another arranged marriage type deals. There are so many of Those so i wanted to switch mine up a little. Thank you to all the people who have read, commented or voted, your thoughts and even ideas of improvement are deeply appreciated.

Well anyway, hope you enjoy, and don't forget to comment vote or even become a fan if you want to;)


Princess of the Dark: Chapter 4- Bitter Disappointment.

Amelia starred out the window, thinking desperately of a way to escape. She had to get back to her sister, and even though she had severed their connection in order to protect her, she could still feel her sisters pain, and it was ripping her heart in two, rendering her incapable of thinking clearly.

A sudden movement from the corner of her eye had her jumping back from the window and reaching for the dagger she had hidden in her boot, a habit she had picked up after first being attacked by one of her kind.

She watched in amazement as the window was shoved open from the other side, a near impossible feet as the room was over three stories high, and a dark hooded figure stepped into the room.

The only thing that kept her from hurling the dagger at the figures head was the weirdest if she knew this person. She quickly scanned the persons brain, then let out a very un-Amelia like squeal.

"Niki!" She whispered loudly as she rushed to hug the soaking wet vampire. vampires hate to get wet, so he was not a very happy vampire.

He laughed as she wrapped her arms around him and tried, unsuccessfully, to squeeze him to death.

Suddenly he tensed and with a very intense look on his face asked her the question that had been plaguing on his heart since the day she had left, like a thief in the night, to save her and her sister from their already determined fate.

"Why did you leave me Mia, why couldn't you even say goodbye? After everything that we went through together you would at least thing that you could have given me that" His voice broke down, and it was all Amelia could do not to cry.

This was Nicolae, her trusted confidant and best friend that a vampire princess could ever have. he knew her better than anyone, apart from her sister, and he had been the only person or thing that she had missed since running away.

You don't understand Niki," she pleaded. "it had nothing to do with you, i had to leave. I had heard your father and the King laughing and joking about a deal that he had made long before me and Ellen were even born. A deal that would take away our life's, our choices and our independence, you of all people should know how much my independence means to me. I will not make the same mistakes that my mother made." She finished, practically growling the last words.

Words that she had repeated time and time again to herself to assure that history would not repeat itself.

Nicolae just held her, until finally she asked him, "are you still angry with me for not telling you goodbye." He just shook his head slowly side to side and said, "No, Mia, i could never be mad at you for acting on your instincts and getting yourself out of a bad situation, i can however be mad that you did not ask me to come with you."

Amelia starred up at him with shock. He was the Kings best friends son and he could quite literally have anything that he desired. It was unfathomable that he would wish to leave.

As if he had read her mind he told her, " Amelia, you were my best friend, the only person who I could depend upon for anything that I needed. When you left it was as if a piece of me had just broken off and decided to float away, but being with you here, now I feel complete and i know that if you would allow me to, I would follow you across the world and back, if only to see you smile and be with you again." Amelia smiled up at him and with a smile answered the hidden question.

"Niki, i would live for you to come back with me to my city and see Ellen, she has grown so much and she is quite beautiful now, but there is just now way for me to escape and I know HE is coming...i can just feel it. We have to get out of here before it is to late."

Nicolae quickly nodded his head and then a slight grin lit up his face. He shed himself of the dark cloak with the impossible speed of a vampire, then wrapped it around Amelia.

Grabbing her hand he led her over to the window where he had come from, and pushed her gently out of it. She landed light on her feet then looked questioningly up at Nicolae who was still in the bedroom.

Once he saw that she had landed safely he also jumped down, appearing cat like and graceful. It was then Amelia noticed how handsome he was. His dark emerald eyes were framed by his long jet-black hair. He was still the Nicolae that she had known all of her life but he seemed...more of a man then the boy that she had left behind years ago.

Once again Nicolae grabbed her hand and dragged her along, jerking her out of her thoughts.

He never once told her where they were going, just dragging her through what appeared to be an endless length of forest until her feet ached and lungs labored, but always appeared to be sure that wherever it was, would be way safer than the Castle where they had planned to keep her prisoner until HE arrived.

As they reached they edge of the forest leading to the city, she heard the forest sounds clearly...but far off where only her vampire senses could detect, she heard the sound of a load roar full of anger and disappointment...and knew that her absence had been discovered.


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Princess of the Dark: A vampire romance:))Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon