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I woke up just as the morning light. I smiled today was Saturday! Which meant I had the whole day to spend with my friends. I looked over to my left where two tiny girls laid yawning on my bookshelf. "Good morning, Missy, good morning Candy!" I said my voice full of delight. "Good morning Holly!" The tiny sisters said in unison. I turned my attention to the bottom shelf of my bookcase where a family of bunnies slowly waking. "Good morning Ginger, Tanner, Cassie, Mrs. Bunny and Mr. Bunny" the younger bunny, Ginger, yawned sleepily "Good morning Holly." Then I turned my head to look at the foot of my bed where a lion cub and his zebra friend were already discussing day plans. "Good morning Dan, and Phil!" "Good morning Holly!" Dan said first. "I can't wait for the fun we are going to have today." Phil joined in. Finally I looked to my right, where my window was. Underneath my window sill, on a makeshift bed of a pink rug and flower pillows, was a boy my age with messy brown hair and a slightly wrinkled green shirt. I smiled and crawled out of bed. I went over to him and shook his shoulders. "Toby wake up." I said sweetly. He groaned, and I tried once again to wake him. "Toby wake up. Its Saturday! we will have so much fun today!" I exclaimed. He shot straight up and smiled. "Saturday! I love Saturdays!' he said with the usual cheerfulness in his voice. "Holly, breakfast!" I heard my mother call and I grabbed Toby's hand. We skipped down the stairs to the kitchen together. "Good morning mother." I said "Good morning Holly." She said with a smile. "Good morning Mrs. Rogers." Toby said looking at my mother as she pulled toast out of the toaster. "Mother, Toby said good morning." I told her. She smiled and looked to my left where Toby was standing. "Good morning Toby." Me and Toby went to sit at the table and waited until mother brought us breakfast. She presented us with 4 slices of toast, two for each of us, two scrambled eggs, and two glasses of orange juice. Toby and I quickly ate out breakfast. And then looked over at mother. "Mother can me and Toby be excused? we don't want to be late for a play date with Dan and Phil." She just smiled and nodded. "you have such an imagination Holly, yes you may be excused." I smiled brightly and grabbed Toby's hand. We ran up the stairs and got ready for a day of fun. We played with Dan and Phil, taught ginger how to hop like a bunny should, we sang with Missy and Candy, and at the end of the day, like we did every Saturday night, we opened the window, and sat on the wide sill. We sat hand in hand as we watched the sunset, and the sky slowly change colors. "Toby," I began as I turned my head to look at him. "Yeah?" he asked his color changing eyes meeting mine. "You are my best friend in the world." He smiled but it soon faded. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Holly, promise you won't ever leave me or forget me." he said looking into my eyes. "Of course toby! I would never ever forget you!" I said throwing my arms around his neck and pulling him close. This is how we stayed until bedtime. Tucked warmly in my bed I looked over to my right, and underneath my windowsill was a sleeping boy, my age, with messy brown hair. "Goodnight Toby." I whispered. Then I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Me and my imaginary friendsWhere stories live. Discover now