One: Morining in LA

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I woke up when the buzzing of my alarm went off. I got up and looked to my left. The alarm was still buzzing away on my bookshelf, but I left it where it was. I turned my attention to the bottom shelf of my bookcase. My bunny, Willington, was still fast asleep in his cage. I looked to the foot of my bed. Where my clean work clothes sat awaiting to put on. I turned my head to the right of my room. Underneath my window sill even through the closed window you would still hear the morning bustle in the streets below. I got dressed and headed to the kitchen area. I made coffee and poured a cup when it was ready. I took my cup over to the window and opened it. the noise was more clear now. I took a deep breath of fresh air in. "Good Morning LA." I said as I exhaled and took a sip of coffee. I yawned and began to get ready for the day.

Once I was dressed I grabbed my work bag and exited my apartment. The elevator was out, so I had to go down the 17 flights of winding stairs. When I finally reached the lobby I check the clock on the wall. "Right on time." I whispered to myself as I went out to my car in the front parking lot. I drove to work and parked in the lot closest to the building I worked in. Cartoon Network was company was huge, I don't even know how they fit all the buildings in to only 4 lots. I worked in the animation and design department, which basically meant I got to draw and play on computer programs all day. I loved my job, I really did, But it has always been a dream of my mine to create my own show and have it playing on televisions worldwide. A couple months ago I had gotten the chance to propose my own show to the board and the president of Cartoon Network. I had't heard back yet but I know things take a while in a business like this. I entered the building and clocked in.

"Hey Holly!" I heard a cheerful voice call as I went back into the animation and storyboard artist room. It was my good friend and creator of Adventure time, Pennington Ward. "Hey Penn, what's up?" I asked making my way over to where he sat. "Well Holly, I thought that you would want to know that I heard they were sending out the calls today." I could barely hold in my excitement. "Really!?" I said and Penn nodded. Penn had also proposed a new show. He had created a show called Bravest Warriors a while back and posted it on YouTube as apart of the Cartoon Hangover channel. "Well who did you hear that from?" I asked. "JG told me." JG Quintel was the creator of Regular show and another good friend of mine. I hadn't seen him in a while so when Penn told me that I couldn't help but be excited. "JG is in today?" I asked with obvious excitement. "Yes I am." A voice said from behind me. I turned around and smiled. "JG!" I said and gave him a hug. "Long time, no see Holly." He replied. "What are you doing here?" I asked "Well I'm actually looking for you. We have a new female character in Regular Show who needs a voice, and i think you would be perfect." "Really?" I asked. I had always wanted to voice a character. "Yeah, would you be up to that?" JG asked. "Yeah I'm up for it. Who is this Character?" "Well," JG began Her name is Bridget, and she is Mordecai's Twin sister. "Sounds fun." I said. "Well, Lets get you in the sound booth and run some lines."

JG and I exited the building and headed over to the sound and audio building. I ran lines, and JG approved me to be the voice of Bridget. He told me to come in tomorrow around noon so we could record with the rest of the cast. I thanked him and then headed back to my office where I worked on a couple story boards for Adventure time, and then loaded them in the computer. When the time came to go home I packed up my things and told JG and Penn goodbye. "Hey Holly," Penn said before I walked out the door "Yeah?" "If it comes down to one slot left and its between your show and mine, I hope you get it." I smiled "Thanks Penn." I said then headed out to my car. on the way back to my apartment the hands-free phone in my car rang. My heart rate sped up "Answer." I commanded and the ringing stopped. "Hello, is this Ms Holly Rogers?" A voice said and my heart rate sped up again. The voice belonged to the president of Cartoon Network. "This is." I said as calmly as I could. "Mrs.Rogers we are excited to inform you that your proposal for the show " Imagine Nation" has been accepted by the board. My heart did a summersalt of pure joy. "Thank you sir.!" I said excitedly but professionally as possible. "We look forward to overseeing the production of the series, congartulations." He said. "As do I, sir, thank you again." I replied and he hung up.

I turned left at the next intersection instead of right because I was not going home tonight. I was going over to my friend Rebecca's to tell her the good news. Rebecca had created her own show called Steven Universe last year, and also worked on Adventure Time with me. She had surported me through this whole process and I know she would be very excited to hear that I had made it. I pulled into her driveway and headed up to her door. She answered it before I could even knock, She must of known that calls were going out today too. "So?" She asked me her voice full of hope. I gave her a big smile and nodded "I did it." She returned my smile, tears of joy begining to stream down her face. "Oh Holly, That's Awesome." She said as she pulled me in for a hug. We celebrated the rest of the night, and by celebrating I mean we had a Marathon of Adventure Time, Regular Show and Steven Universe.

I left around 2:00 am, I didn't have to meet JG til noon so when I got home I set my alarm for 11:00 am, and crashed. I dreamed of my introduction panel at Comicon, which they always had for the new shows. I smiled to myself in my sleep. I can't wait to tell JG and Pennington tomorrow.

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